(Pilot) An interview already??

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"Ghostbusters, huh?" You said aloud, questioning the paper. You thought you were the only one who still read print, as it has been deemed dead for quite some time. Grabbing your coat, you head out the door.
Your outfit :

Your outfit :

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This, or like a suit type thing

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This, or like a suit type thing.


Stepping out of the taxi, you grab hold of your coat in order to make sure that it dosent fly away, you take note that the wind had picked up within the last 10 minutes. You were just about to walk through the park gates, your phone rang. You picked it up, and gave a, "Hello!" Before waiting for the person on the other line to speak.
"Hello! You're Y/N, right? You previously called about the Ghostbusters position? Nobody answered because we were busy," A feminine voice spoke.
You couldn't believe that you were actually getting a call back, you didn't really expect that to say the least.
"Yeah! I did!" You replied.
"Great! Does tomorrow work for the interview??" The woman asked.
Woah. Tomorrow? That's very soon, you thought....

You know what? Screw it.
"Yeah, that's good for me!" You say enthusiastically.
"Great! Im Janine!, see you then, then!" The voice said.
After that, she hung up.

Well, looks like you've got a meeting with the Ghostbusters tomorrow, you thought.


241 Words

Small pilot chapter to see if anyone is interested in this!!

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