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Chris P.O.V

I wake up hearing alarms go off, guns shooting, and screaming from outside. I get out off my bed to go look out the window to see prisoners like myself running for there lives from what it looks like the dead. I see soldiers dead on the ground getting eaten by the dead I guess.

All I know right now is that I need to look for Steve to make sure that he's safe. I leave the window to go outside to see absolute madness out here. I leave the cabin I was in and go down the stairs and go to one of the dead soldier body to get a gun. The gun look's a Beretta 92FS Inox. I can use it. I checked to see if it had ammo and it did it didn't have much though, so I check the soldiers to see he has two more magazines left that had 15 bullets and both of them. I took the magazines and left the body.

I went to go check the other soldiers body's to see if they have anything. Surprisingly they didn't have much like I thought they did. The things I found on them were a couple of first add sprays and a few more magazines, so that gave me a total of 75 bullets that should last me for a while. I leave the dead soldiers bodies behind and went to look for Steve.


2 hours later


I spent for I don't know how long looking for him but I can't him anywhere. This worries me since he's only 17 and really haven't spent his life doing what he wants. He's been on this Island for 6 months I think

I have two magazines left since I been shooting the dead for I don't know how long. I haven't used one first aid spray yet since I been cautious going anywhere. The dead is everywhere though so I have to be cautious on I'm going. I did hear a turret go off, when I went to go check there was no one there just a few of the dead that now I'm gonna call zombies and a broken light. The turret looks like it was recently used, but there was no one there. I check the next area to see no one. This frustrates me since I can't find Steve or any survivors. I don't know if Ashford is alive, but I wish that he's dead so I don't have to listen to him talk. That guy is so annoying. I heard that he has a twin sister. I know he does have one because I seen her when I first got imprisoned here. She was a nightmare I think her name was Alexia. I don't know what happen to her, but she randomly disappeared. No one has heard from her for 14 years. I'm guessing that she's dead.

If she is dead thank god she is. She was even more annoying than her brother Alfred.

"Ugh, just me even thinking about them makes me sick to my stomach" I thought

While I was walking to the Official Residence I felt like I was being watched by someone but who. I quickly turned around and looked everywhere but found no one.

"Strange I thought I felt someone behind me" I say to myself

"Not strange at all Dearheart" I hear a guy say behind me

I quickly turn around to see a guy with blonde hair, black sunglasses, and a black outfit.

"I'm surprised you survive this long Dearheart" The man said

"Dearheart!? What's that supposed to mean? And who the hell are you?" I asked him in anger and confusion

He just smirks at me and says his name is Albert Wesker. He completely ignored my other questions and then he asked me for my name, so I told him.

"Christopher Redfield but you can call me Chris" I say to him

"Redfield" He says with anger

I'm confused now.

Why is he mad?

What have I done?

I never met him before or have I?

"Have we met before?" I asked him

"No" He says

Then why is he angry for saying my name or at least my last name. Oh well I can at least asked him if he seen a 17 year old boy name Steve Burnside.

"I have a question for you" i say to him

"What is it?" He asks

"Have you seen a 17 year old red hair boy named Steve walking around here somewhere" I ask him turning around

He stared at me for a couple of seconds thinking. Then he said No. He's lying, but the question is why. I didn't ask him why he lied I just left it alone.

"Ok thanks for telling me. I'll go look for him some more" I say turning around to look at him, but he wasn't there. That's strange he was here a second ago. I didn't hear him move or anything. It's like he vanished out of thin air.

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