01: A Tale of Fantasy

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❥︎ Pre-chapter note:
Y/N: Your Name
L/N: Last name/Surname
Otome Game: Common phrase for dating sims made in japan.

thank you for giving this fic a chance!

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"Have you heard about that tale? You know, the one on a rainy day..."

"Oh, that one."

"Yeah! On a random day, it suddenly starts raining and..."

[ A girl on her way to school needs to shield herself from the rain, and she heads under a deserted, narrow and tiny bus stop on the side of the path.

Although she was sure that no one was in the vicinity, a boy from the same school suddenly appears beside her, holding his bag above his head while ducking in for shelter.

The guy makes conversation with the girl, and they run to school together covering their heads with their bags.

From then on, the two fall in love and end up together. ]

This was the cliche'd trendy story that went around the school that month. As usual, it was a fairytale that seemingly popped from the wonderland imaginations of a five year old. But how-- just how-- did that fairytale manage to turn into reality?

It sounds cliche for sure, but as I was heading to school on a path with no one, the rain had begun out of nowhere, and I headed under a small, old bus stop as a temporary shelter.

It hadn't occured to me that this was the exact scenario from the rumors.

I glanced at my phone to check the time, and it was 10 minutes before school began. The distance from where I was to school was quite far, so I started feeling a bit of urgency.

"Right. I'll just walk in the rain...beggars can't be choosers, after all..." I made my decision. Right as my foot was about to move forward, I heard a damp footstep beside me. Curious, I turned my head to find a boy, holding a school bag above his head, while half wet from the rain. Curiosity kills the cat, they say.

Oh, I thought.

The dots chose such a fine moment to connect. I didn't need to look at his familiar gray uniform to tell that this was the same scene from the tale.

"Tough luck, hmm?" the boy said while casually patting the water off his shirt and bag. I noticed only his odd purple hair and the cyan streak that went down a part of it.

"Yeah..." I blurted out in confusion, feeling the urgency to reply.

Even the 'make conversation' part is spot on.

Amidst all the random thoughts in my head, I was far too flustered to even begin examining his features or my surroundings. Yet, there was one prominent thought in my head that stood above all others; 'Get the hell out of there!'

Third Person POV

"So-" he began, but was cut off by the girl in front of him dashing off into the distance in the pouring rain. He instinctively held out his hand in her direction, muttering an incoherent, "But the rain..." with a surprised look on his face.

After a number of minutes that the girl was unable to count had passed, she made it to the front gates. Then, avoiding any possibility of him having had caught up with her, she sprinted into the school and sighed a sigh of relief when she arrived at her desk.

"Y/N, could I borrow your chemistry homework?" one of the girls in class came up to her almost immediately after she had sat down. Her tone was flattering, as if she was trying to get on the good side of a teacher, and less like she was talking to a fellow classmate. Though Y/N was still drenched in water and in an unbearable state, she smiled and handed over her homework, smiling slightly as she usually did.

Your POV

During class, I daydreamed about the encounter in the morning. This was unlike me. However, I couldn't stop thinking about the strange 'event', like an otome game. It felt as if there was a string controlling the entire scene. Where the hell did he even spawn from? My hands started moving on my notebook, outlining what I could remember of his appearance-- his unform was gray on the outside, and his hair...

"Miss L/N. If you think you can draw in class and not pay attention just because you did well in the last test, you are dearly mistaken!" the teacher yelled while picking up my notebook in front of me.

"Ah...!" I exclaimed softly, snapping out of my dreamy state. The teacher snatched my notebook and brought it to her desk, saying, "Come get it from me after school."

I didn't need to listen to know about all the whispers around me.

'Just because she's smart, she thinks she can get away with everything. Serves her right...'

'Haha, look at her. The goody two shoes is being punished!'

Dammit. I messed up hard. If she checks inside...I'll be screwed.

Classes finally ended. The moment our teacher for last period stepped out of the room, I ran out towards the teacher's office.

The hallway was filled with people, either chatting with their friends in the hall, taking things from their lockers, walking around. Maybe that's why, I didn't notice him in the middle of all that. He was with another guy, chatting with him.

I didn't notice him. Who would've? Of course, our designated puppet player, fate himself, pulled our strings. Our shoulders bumped as I ran at a fast pace, but I just kept running despite knowing full well who I had just bumped into.

Agh...! This day can't get any worse. It's him again...

As anyone else would, he turned his head to look at me. His eyes widened when he recognized my features, as briefly as he must've saw them earlier.

As I just kept running, I wondered how I got myself into all this trouble.

Chapter 1 END

1015 words

this was a bad chapter, but gets better!!
have a good one

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