You stood up and headed to your bedroom to take a new scarf before you headed outside. You went to the nearest store and bought some cat food along with medicines and bandages. When you passed by a convenience store, you saw that they were selling apple pies so you bought some along with onigiri before finally heading back.

You found the cat where you left it and decided to feed it with cat food first. But oddly enough, it didn't even sniff the food.

"What? You don't like it?" you asked, trying to make it even take a small bit of cat food. But to no avail, the cat turned its head to the other direction. "Alright, let me clean you up then."

You took the cat and headed to the bathroom, checked the water temperature to make sure it wasn't cold and started to rinse it with water, surprisingly it didn't squirm so you decided to give it a bath. After that, with a spare towel you dried its fur and headed back to the living room before taking a blower and making sure the cat is all dried up so it wouldn't be cold later during the night.

Afterwards you started to clean its wound, again as surprisingly as it was, the cat didn't move much and let you finish cleaning its wound.

"So you're a male cat," you said, rubbing his cheek. "You're kinda small for a male cat though. Maybe because you're still young."

You stood up and went to the kitchen, feeling your stomach growling now as you took the apple pies and onigiri you brought earlier. You headed back to the living room and placed the plate along with a mug of hot chocolate before turning the television on.

You sat down comfortably on the couch and when you looked to the side you noticed the cat is staring at you with his big amber eyes.

"You really don't want to eat your cat food?" you asked before the cat made his way up to you. "Or do you want some onigiri?"

You picked him up and placed him on the couch beside you, taking the plate before you took a small portion of the tuna mayo. The cat sniffed it but he didn't take it.

"Do you want apple pie?" you asked again and you heard him meow as if to voice out his approval. "But only a bit though. Apple is easy to digest for you but since this apple pie contains other ingredients, it might not be good for you little tum-tum."

You took a small portion of the apple pie and the cat finally took it. You looked ahead and started to watch a TV show as you ate your dinner until you had finished all the onigiri on the plate, though there were still two slices of apple pies left. You went to the kitchen to wash the dishes before heading back to your bedroom, leaving the television on as you took out more comfortable clothes for the night. A soft baggy t-shirt and pajama shorts, even though it's autumn, you still wear shorts during the night as they're more comfortable to sleep in.

You walked to the bathroom and started to strip down, massaging your shoulders to lessen the stiffness as you turned the shower on. Lukewarm baths during autumn nights felt so good, especially after a long day at work.

You didn't know how long you stayed in the shower, but when you finally stepped out, already in your comfortable pair of clothes, you saw the television show you were watching earlier was already over and in turn a new talk show was being played on the TV.

You turned it off, turning around as you dried your hair and looked at the time to see that it's already quite late.

"Do you wanna sleep here in the living room?" you asked the cat who walked towards you. "Or do you wanna sleep in my room?"

He rubbed his body on your leg before turning around, but he didn't lie down so you took it as an answer that he wants to sleep in your room.

"Alright, come on," you said, taking the blanket and scarf as you walked ahead, the cat following close behind.

When you entered your room, you placed the blanket on the floor near your bed but instead of lying there, the cat jumped on your bed. You shrugged your shoulders, telling yourself you had already cleaned up the cat so he can sleep on the bed with you, seeing that he's already comfortable enough as it is.

You pulled out the sheet and climbed up the bed, lying down as well with the cat lying on the bottom of the bed. You left the bedroom dimly lit, as it helps you sleep easier. You did fall asleep much easier than the other night and while you were lost in the arms of slumber, you started dreaming.

In your dream there is a man whose eyes reminded you of the leaves in the park. They were a pair of amber hues that seemed to glow in the dark. His hair is long, onyx black on the root and golden yellow at the end.

He looks ethereally beautiful, his body slim yet muscular, his skin pale. Then he lowered down, so close to you that you can feel his chest pressing on yours. He breathed out, fanning your neck as goosebumps started to rise on your body. His lips touched your shoulder ever so lightly, like a feathery kiss. So soft and velvety. He started to plant kisses on your shoulder, neck and then when he leaned back to look at you, the side of his lips turned up in what seemed like a smirk.

He lowered down, his lips so close to your lips and you started to feel your heart beating faster, hammering in your chest. He exudes a scent so intoxicating you start to feel lightheaded. He continued to shower your body with kisses, ravaging your skin, leaving marks.

And then you woke up with a gasp, opening your eyes as the familiar ceiling greeted you. The dimly lit room now bathed in sunlight as your digital clock read 6:30 am. Your heart still beats fast, slowly relaxing as you sit up.

"That was..." you muttered, your hand going up to your neck, rubbing it. "...a weird dream."

You crane your neck to the side, furrowing your eyebrows as the remnants of that weird feeling in your body slowly vanish. And then your eyes caught something.

On the bottom of your bed lies a ball of white, black and orange fur. The stray cat you happened to come across with yesterday in the park is sleeping soundly. And then the cat slowly moved, lifting his head as he let out a yawn, showing his little canines and pinkish tongue before he blinked his eyes open. With the sunlight through your window, the cat's eyes look like they were glowing amber stones.

And then you remembered the dream and the guy with the same amber eyes.



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