*Kissy Kissy* Pt.1

Start from the beginning

"Where are you guys-?" The doors cut off Minas shout, leaving the trio in silence. A.J. thinks and thinks of a way to get out of this but she knew how dedicated Shouto and Denki were to their "girl time."

"So what room? I'm still confused." A.J. questions.

Denki lets go of her arm and pushes the four, "Oh yours. Not only is my room messy, but your room is right next to Bakubro's. So it'll be much easier to see what'll happen."

A.J. thinks, "Happen?"

"Y'know," Shouto says, nudging A.J., "Where the night'll take you."

"We'll listen in and leave if anything goes too far."

"Guys!" Denki and Shouto laugh while A.J. drowns in her red. "Y-you both know how I feel about that." They keep laughing, "Ugh! You two are too much."

The doors open and A.J. escapes the laughing chamber. Wasn't even that funny. Plus, he wouldn't do that. He told me. In the closet. "C'mon my rooms right here."

A.J. had the option before everyone was assigned their rooms where she wanted her dorm to be. So she chose the last one to the right, otherwise known as the room right next to Bakugou's. "Guys!" A.J. yells, grabbing their attention.

"Coming honey, give us a minute," Shouto yells back. They laugh, giggle, and blush while taking their precious time strolling the hallway, "Babe!" Shouto says looking at A.J., "Go get your pajamas on while we talk. Ok, hon?"

"Yes, mom," A.J. says, rolling her eyes. She leaves the door open as she starts. She removes her music note hair clip and places it on her dresser next to her flower. The purple flower Katsuki had put in her hair a few days ago. It was thriving and living just as well as Katsuki must have been. A.J. smiles and moves on to her tossed sweatshirt on top of her bookshelf. She looked at her fish and kissed him before reaching for the sweatshirt. "Sorry. I just hafta get this stupid sweatshirt. Love you Bubbles. Mwah." A.J. says in a baby voice. She slips into her hoodie, throwing her shirt on the floor. She took off her pants and threw them on her floor as well.

A.J. walks over to her dresser where she originally placed her barrette and pulls open her top drawer. She digs around and searches for her black shorts. Not finding anything, A.J. examines her room and still doesn't find anything. A.J. pouts and plops onto her bed. She takes her owl plushie and squeezes it, releasing all the anxiety she had from earlier.

"Yeah. I enjoyed the closet time too." Shouto says while walking in, "Maybe, we should do it again sometime. Y'know without the whole closet though." Denki smiles and nods in agreement and launches himself onto A.J.'s bed, "Okay babe," Shouto says while climbing onto her bed, "Tell us everything. We need to know now."

"Well, nothing really happened."

"Nothing?" Denki asks, raising an eyebrow, "Yeah sure nothing happened, you two were totally not going to make out."


"No! Nothing like that at all!" A.J. shouts trying to claim her innocence, "W-we...Yeah uh. Well, maybe? I don't know!" A.J. shoves her face in her owl, "He told me somethings in there that would make him seem not to want to do that so I assumed that-"

"Girl," Denki says, shaking his head, "Hush. No one cares what he said, he was gonna kiss you."

Shouto, with a puzzled look on his face, asks, "Wait what did he say?"

"Nothing. H-he asked me not to tell," Before Denki could say anything A.J. added, "I'm sorry. I promised him I wouldn't even tell you guys. So," Shouto nods and Denki falls back into the bed, "Ugh. It's so weird now."

Bakugou Could Kiss Me IgWhere stories live. Discover now