Arrival at Beacon + Initiation

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3rd POV

In the early morning of Remnant Seven males can be seen taking on the Grimm relentlessly

Nathan:Eat this!

Nathan slashes a Grimm ursa's head off with one fierce swing of his Great sword

Zane (Hotscorch):Your through!

Zane burns several Grimm to ash while not causing the forest to catch on fire

Devin:You won't get past us!

Devin shouts at the Grimm as he stabs one with his blades

As the seven are facing the Grimm a specific crow is observing them from afar

Over at beacon Ozpins POV

Sitting at my desk in my office I quietly observe the seven through one of my cameras hidden In the forest


Glynda:Sir? Are you alright?

Ozpin:Yes just observing how well the seven we met last night are doing

Glynda:What do you mean?

I turn my screen towards her showing what is happening right now

Glynda:Wait why are they in the forest?! They could get killed!

Glynda looks like she is about to go stop them but I prevent her

Ozpin:I wouldn't be too hasty Glynda after all it shows that they are well coordinated as they haven't broken a sweat

Glynda:Still I don't think they should be alone in the forest

Ozpin:What they do may bring a big change to everything we know so it's best to see how things turn out

Back with the seven 3rd POV

After a few hours of killing Grimm and working on strategy's Nathan,Caleb,Devin,Zane,Lucias, Yamoto and Malus all see that it's morning in remnant now

Zane:Seems it's time to go to beacon

Malus:Right it is morning now

Nathan:Then we best get over to the campus and meet a few of the important characters of RWBY

Devin:Your right team RWBY as well as Jaune and Pyrrha should be stepping foot onto beacon academy grounds right about now

Yamoto:Well let's get going then shall we? Also Zane return to normal please

Nodding in agreement the seven exit the forest which they then step foot onto the academy grounds

As they are walking with everyone else they see Ruby about to bump into something or rather someone's luggage

Seeing this Malus rushes over and grabs ahold of Ruby stopping her from knocking over the luggage

Malus:Do be a little careful Ruby

Ruby looks at who saved her from knocking into the luggage

Ruby:It's You! Where are your friends?

Nathan:We are over here Ruby

Nathan says as he walks over to the two with the rest of his and malus's friends

Ruby:Wow did you all get accepted too?!

Devin:You can say that

Caleb:Regardless of the short reunion I believe we should get to the auditorium before we are late

Lucias:Let's go then... You can come too Jaune

Jaune:You sure?

Malus:Yeah your a student too so it's best we help each other out while we are attending beacon academy

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