SLEEP O V E R ;) ♡ (1)

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(DISCLAIMER) Gregory is 10 and Evan is 11, Vanessa is Gregory's adopted mother, and this oneshot is at Vanessa's house mostly! And Evan is taller than Gregory btw.


||| Evan's POV || 4:46 PM |||



Me and Gregory were at his "Moms" house in the backyard swinging on the swings that were supposedly here for years. I was laughing happily as Gregory tried to push me on the swing, I turned back to look at him and he looked a bit frustrated. It was sunny out and like 80 degrees so Miss Vanessa brought us out some lemonade and sat the two glasses full of lemonade on the patio table with the big glass of lemonade next to them. "C'mon boys! Lemonades ready!!" She says as she looked towards us while she put her hands on hers hips and tilted her head a bit. I was excited, lemonade was definitely my favorite drink. I let my brownish sneakers hit the grass to slow me down.



Once I slowed down enough that I was slightly swinging Gregory grabbed my hand and almost dragged me over to the patio. When we got to the patio Miss Vanessa gave me a glass of lemonade and I grabbed it with my free hand, I thanked her politely as I took a sip of the lemonade. When she turned to Gregory she gave him a small smile, "What do you say?" She asks as she picks up the other glass of lemonade and hands it to him. He took a small sip then spoke, "Thank you, Mama..." Miss Vanessa smiled widely then ruffled Gregory's hair. "Owie!!" Gregory says as he backed up quickly and glared at Miss Vanessa. "Now that was not my fault" Says as she returns the glare back at Gregory.



"Hmph." Gregory turned away from his Mother and ran under a tree taking me along with him. Luckily neither of us spilled our lemonade, we sat under the tree and just stared in each other's eyes. I never noticed how pretty his eyes were, his dark orangish brown eyes shimmer in the perfect lighting. I could tell he was still a bit angry at Miss Vanessa so I decided to ask him something that maybe could calm him down, "Perhaps you could spend the night at my house?" I smile nervously. I saw his eyes shimmer in excitement which made me smile wider and feel my face become warmer.



"I can???" He asks as he sets his lemonade in the grass. "You might have to get permission from Miss Vanessa first" I say "1, I'm not asking her. 2, You can just call her Vanessa dum dum" He remarks as he stared into my eyes again."Fine then I'll ask her" I say as I stand up grasping onto Gregory's hand so he comes along with me. "Ay! You don't have to drag me!!!" He says as he tries getting up but he fails. "Miss Vanessa! Can Gregory spend the night at my housee???" I ask her as she sits in a chair on the patio. "Hm... Sure... Just don't do anything too gay." She smirks, I feel my face get warmer.



"B-B-But we're not g-gay!!!" I stutter. As I stood facing Miss Vanessa I felt Gregory lay his head on my leg as our hands entwined. "Are you sure?" She questioned me as I turned even more red. Gregory gave a small yawn which made me feel very warm. "Y-Yes!! I'm sure!!" I say smiling very nervously. Gregory moved a bit then soon wrapped his legs around my leg, doing the same with his free arm. I felt my face almost as hot as the sun. "Hmmmm....... Yeah yeah, I definitely believe that." Miss Vanessa says as her smirk grew wider. I stuck my tongue out at her and looked at Gregory and tried to pick him up, of course his grip around leg was tight.

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