Part 5

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In this story I pretend Leonard's mother is actually his stepmother (and Sheldon and Howard's too), making her my paternal stepgrandmother in this story

Sheldon, Amy and I are in apartment 4A having lunch

Me: I can't stand the Kripke twins! They're really a bunch of bullies! They're my mortal enemies number 5 and 6! And to refresh your memory my mortal enemy number 1 is your mother Aunt Amy for the way she treated you when you were a girl

Amy: aw! I really wish you were my son!

Sheldon: I disagree strongly with your number 1

Me: number 2 is Stepgrandma Beverly for the way she treated dad when he was a boy and the way she treats me too

Sheldon: I disagree strongly with your number 2 too

Me: number 3 is Leslie Winkle and number 4 is Barry Kripke for the way they treat you at work Uncle Sheldon

Sheldon: finally 2 enemies I have in common with you! You may look like your father but you're more like me than him!

Me: anyways I'd rather work alone than work with my mortal enemies

Sheldon: You did the right thing nephew. They sound like a bunch of idiots. I bet their parents taught them to bully people. If they really piss you off I'll knock their house's door 3 times and I'll annoy the hell out of them

Amy: I trained 10 drug addicted monkeys at my lab to attack them the day you 1st told us about them. Just say the word and I'll break into their house to attack them

Me: Hahaha! You're the best uncle ever Uncle Sheldon. And you're the best aunt ever Aunt Amy

Sheldon: of course we are! Your father and I were closer to each other than to your Uncles Howard and Raj as kids

Amy: but don't tell them that or to your Aunt Bernadette

Me: not a word

Amy: come on Matias. I'll help you build your model. You're lucky to have a really smart aunt

Amy and I go to the kitchen to build a model of a brain and after 1 hour we're about to finish

Amy: so this is the frontal lobe, which controls your emotions

Me: The frontal lobe. Got it

Amy: and this is the parietal lobe, which senses temperature

Me: The parietal lobe. And we're done! It looks great

Amy and I high-5 each other

Me: thank you for your help Aunt Amy! I'm really lucky to have a really smart father and really smart uncles and aunts

Amy: yeah we're basically a family of scientists. So now what should we do?

Me: How about Uncle Sheldon and you take turns to play the videogame you bought for me yesterday?

Amy: good idea!

Sheldon, Amy and I play the Lego Harry Potter videogame Amy bought for me the day before, we watch some Harry Potter movies, we play games like pictionary, "Where's Waldo?" and after some hours, Amy and I sing "You're the One That I Want" from Grease with the karaoke machine in the living room

Amy and me:

You're the one that I want!

You're the one I want!

Ooh ooh ooh honey!

You're the one that I want!

You're the one I want!

Ooh ooh ooh honey!

You're the one that I want!

You're the one I want!

Ooh ooh ooh honey!

The one that I need!

Oh yes indeed!

Someone knocks the door of the apartment

Sheldon: I'll open it

Amy goes to my bedroom and Sheldon opens the door to see Leonard and Penny

Leonard: hello Sheldon. How did Matias behave?

Penny: did he behave good?

Sheldon: Ugh! Matias behaved awfully! He said mean things about Amy the whole time only because she isn't his biological aunt. He calls her "Aunt Dr Fowler" or "Aunt-In-Law Amy". Almost nobody uses the term "aunt-in-law" to refer to their aunt by marriage!

Me: this isn't...!

Amy goes to the living room pretending to be crying

Amy: Matias forced me to do his own homework while he was goofing around! I'm trying to be his fun Aunt Amy but he's always rude to me! And only because I'm his aunt by marriage and not his biological one! I always wanted to be an aunt and my own nephew treats me awfully!

Amy gives a fake cry

Me: that's all a lie! I never did any of...!

Sheldon: Bazinga! Hahaha! Matias never did any of that. It was all a joke

Me: Oh my god! You scared me!

Amy: Matias is a really good boy! He didn't do any of what we said! Come here!

Amy hugs me and kisses me in the head multiple times

Sheldon: well see us tomorrow Matias!

Amy: tomorrow we'll have lots of fun like today!

Me: bye Uncle Sheldon! Bye Aunt Amy

Sheldon and Amy leave the apartment

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