Chapter 8: Psychic Prisoners and Vengeful Petty Gods

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While everyone was distracted by the light, something more unusual was happening. The familiar red-fleshed figure of Sleedster was emerging from the floor. A dramatic melody - the music of the battle charge on Tai Llgon by the Protesians - escaped from his lips.

Hydrium turned towards the sound of music and realized who it was. "Oh, it's this guy again?!" he said - angry at Sleedster for risking the lives of an entire universe for the sake of a petty argument.

Sleedster then released yellow bursts of energy behind him and loudly declared "I have emerged from the land of spells and fairies!"

Ha'kleth then turned to Sleedster. Loboto used this opportunity and activated his psychic powers - focusing them on the prisoner.

A also turned to Sleedster. "Go away. We're busy being nearly killed."

"Don't you get it!" exclaimed Sleedster.

Grim woke up and then saw the one person he didn't want to see. "You... you... it was you... who brought me to this planet... I am transformed... ruined... all because of you!"

Sleedster responded to this with an angry "You can shut up now." and sealed Grim's mouth shut with a flap of flesh. Grim fell unconscious due to shock.

Sleedster then went back to his angry tirade directed at A. "Now, don't you get what i'm trying to tell you. The Alliance isn't everything! There's worse fish in the sea!"

Hydrium then looked at Sleedster with a look of pure rage. "No. Fucking. Shit. You didn't have to prove a point that obvious!"

Sleedster ignored this. "Just look at Ha'kleth here! Or Ank for that matter!"

Ank then rounded on Sleedster. "What have I done?" His tone was purely curious.

Sleedster's answer was filled with rage. "What do you think."

Hydrium then went back on the attack. "I mean, I still feel like Ha'kleth is nothing compared to Jonathan or the Pillar Lord, but to each their own I guess. No offense Ha'kleth. Just being honest here."

Ha'kleth was unaffected by this.

"She's killed quadrillions of people. Destroyed entire multiverse chains. Has Jonathan done that?"

"I mean I think so actually if I reca-"

Sleedster silenced Hydrium with his angry declaration of "That isn't the point. DO YOU GET THE POINT?! THE ALLIANCE ISN'T THE ONLY THING OUT THERE!"

"Again, you didn't have to orchestrate all this to prove a point."


"We get it you big fucking asswit, now could you let us go?"

"No. I'm going now. It's obvious that you can't think."

Sleedster then started to descend into the floor while humming the sad song that the Protesians sang after discovering that Tai Llgon was an uninhabitable desert world.

While Sleedster was halfway through the floor, Ank grabbed his hand - stopping Sleedster dead in his tracks. Sleedster stopped humming. "You aren't getting out that easily."

"Wait a minute." said Sleedster while trying to descend but failing. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN I'M NOT GETTING OUT THAT EASY?! I'M A GOD! WHAT DO YOU HAVE AGAINST ME."

It was at this point that Hydrium broke the door down. Before the Mirik behind it could grab Hydrium, Sleedster reformed the door.

"You sent us to this place." said A. "We have quite a bit against you. Not to mention you orchestrated someone's abduction and ruined a good man's life to prove your dumb point. "

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