Hazel's POV

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"Good morning!" Amina, the bakery's regular, said as she came in through the door, battling with her umbrella to get it closed. "Awful day out there, isn't it?"

"Oh, tell me about it," I replied. "The amount of people who come in and almost slip is unbearable."

"One person did slip," Lavinia, my coworker and friend, added as she came round the corner with a tray of iced diamonds. "It was HILARIOUS." I hit her gently with the tea towel after she set the iced diamonds down.

"Just your usual, Amina?" I asked as I got out a paper bag to but the baked goods in.

"Yes, but can you also put in what Daisy usually gets? She says she loves it here and I thought I would surprise her with getting what she likes since we are going on a date today."

"Of course! I'm so glad you two are getting on so well together! Well, here you are. That will be £15," I handed her the buns (Two profiteroles and a brownie for Amina, a squashed fly biscuit and ice finger for Daisy, in case you were wondering.) and she gave me the money. "Good luck on your date!"

"Thank you so much! Have a good day!" Amina beamed and left, opening her umbrella.

"Lovebirds, the two of them." Lavinia sighed after Amina was out of sight. I rolled my eyes at her. "It's good to see though. I thought Daisy was never going to fall in love." I remarked. Lavinia snorted. "You thought Daisy had a crush on George, for goodness sake!" Lavinia snickered. "Not appreciated." I mumbled and she gave me a friendly shove.

Daisy and I met in secondary school and we have been best friends ever since. When we went of to university, we met Kitty, who takes drama with Daisy, Beanie, who takes biomedical science with me and Amina, Lavinia, who takes international affairs with me and works at the bakery, George, who takes criminology and psychology with Daisy, and Amina, who takes biomedical science with me and Beanie. Lavinia and I have took a job at this bakery with Kitty working on Sundays (she says she has clubs the rest of the week), and I must say, this bakery has been getting quite popular lately.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard the chime of the shopkeeper's bell and saw the door open. Inside stepped a tall man with messy, sandy blond hair and piercing blue eyes. I thought I recognized him from somewhere but nonetheless I could feel a redness creeping up my neck.

"Hello!" He spluttered, drenched from the rain. "Weather's horrible today, isn't it?" His accent wasn't English. It sounded like the ones from the American movies me and Daisy would watch. "Ever heard of an umbrella?" Lavinia jeered as she walked back into the kitchen. Just before she left I managed to hit her with the tea towel gently. I do that way too much.

"Sorry about her," I apologized once Lavinia had left. "She can be a bit of a nuisance sometimes."

"Oh don't worry, my friend would have said the same thing," He replied. "In fact, it was actually my friend who recommended me this place!"

"Really? Who's this friend of yours?" I inquired.

"His name's George."

"George Mukherjee?"

"Yes. You know him?"

"Yeah, he takes some of the same classes as my friend, Daisy," I answered.

"Cool! Anyway, back to the food, can I please get an ice finger and a German biscuit?" He said, bringing the topic back to food.

"Oh, yes, of course. Sorry about that," I said, flustered. I felt myself blush even more. I grabbed the buns and put them on the counter. "That will be £3.75 please". The man then payed and took the buns.

"Thank you so much! I must remember the name of this place to come back again. I hope to see you around campus soon." He concluded. "Yes, I expect we will see each other about soon, or I hope so." I added. There was silence. I looked up at him and saw him looking at me.

He looked down, with a slight redness creeping up his cheeks. "Right, well, goodbye!" He said as he walked to the door. "Have a good day!"

"You too!" I replied just as the door shut.


"What's with that look on your face?" Lavinia asked when I entered the staff room for lunch. "See someone you fancy?" I must have went quite red because she smirked and said, "Well go on, what's their name?"

"I- uh- I forgot to ask." I mumbled, looking down. How on EARTH did I forget to ask his name? I will force George to tell me later.

"You forgot to ask?" Lavinia snickered, trying and failing to hold in her laugh. "What did they look like, at least."

"It was the man you said to about the umbrella."

"Him? I think he's one of George's friend."

"He is."

"Well, at least you could pry his name out of George then." Lavinia said as she leaned back, drinking her black coffee.

"Yeah, I guess." I sighed. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2022 ⏰

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