Chapter Eleven: Dancing With Trickery and Combat

Start from the beginning

"Damn, we'll definitely catch the guy who did this!" Chrome cried angrily.

"I think we have a more pressing matter. With a wound as serious as this, we don't know if he'll be able to walk again," said Kohaku.

You added, "But if doesn't return to Tsukasa, the big man himself will come after us. We will be killed."

"Well, this is all we can do for him in the meantime. Without modern technology, we can't fix his insides. All we can do is rely on him resting," said Senku. "All of you can leave. We'll sleep outside to let the mentalist heal."

With that, the primitives were the ones to leave first. The two of you stayed behind to make sure Gen was actually okay before leaving him on his own for the night.

"Senku-chan, (Y/N)-chan..." you heard him speak with a weak tone. You felt pity for him, as it reminded you of what just happened to you many days ago.

"Yes, Gen?" You answered him. "Do you need anything? Are you still in pain?"

You and the scientist leaned over to him. He turned over on his right side, so he faced you as Senku was on his back. The scientist had to lean over just to hear him speak.

He lightly spoke with a murmur, "In this stone world, can you make it? A bottle of cola?"

You looked up and saw Senku grin. "Yeah, we can make it. It's me and my assistant, after all!"

The mentalist looked pleased, and he ended up falling asleep on his own after hearing those words. You got a blanket for him and slowly pulled it up to his neck so that he wouldn't be cold for the night. The night was quiet, and the only thing you could hear were the small flames flickering from the torch used to bring light to the warehouse.

"Despite everything that we and Tsukasa had to offer, the only thing he truly wants is a bottle of cola," you said softly, not being loud in order to not wake him up.

The scientist replied, "Some of us can't get the things they want the most in a world like this. I know for a fact that there are loads of things you want back."

"And I can say the same for you. I guess it's a good thing we're working hard and getting friends and allies so quickly. isn't so bad," you admitted.

Senku was curious to what you meant. He had a questioning look on his face as he spoke, "Oh? Just a few days ago, you were freaking out about losing nearly everything."

"Yeah, I was. Well, I still am, but after a few days, I've had time to heal, to think, to relish in the moments we have now...I'm actually happy," you tell him. "I mean, yeah I'm terrified of Tsukasa, but I've had so much fun."

"It's exhilarating, isn't it? Or should I say, amusing?" He smirked.

You let out a laugh. "Yeah, amusing, isn't it?"


"Aw shit, that bastard Gen disappeared!" You heard Chrome cry out early in the morning as he checked the warehouse.

"Ah. He probably returned to Tsukasa," said the scientist, his pinky stuck in his ear.

You mentioned, "We didn't even get to check if his injuries were okay."

"If he was able to leave, then his injuries are probably fine," Senku told you.

"Isn't he gonna tell Tsukasa?! That you guys are here and alive?!" The boy panicked.

Senku sighed, and he explained, "If Gen was someone who had absolutely no interest in science, he probably wouldn't have cooperated with us at all. By the time I had used electricity, that man had already decided who he'd follow. But even a frivolous man has a frivolous way of following."

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