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Mikha POV

I'm here at the mall with my twins. We are buying foods and everything that we needed.

I'm checking the milk for the twins. I'm looking for the milk they like. Their name is 'Ascella Snow' and 'Asther Storm', snow and storm because she loves that.

Snow likes to walk while Storm loves sleeping in their stroller. While I'm checking the milk, I didn't notice that Snow is gone.

"Omg, where are you, Ascella" i looked around while pushing the stroller where Storm is sleeping.

"Oh, there you are my baby" i sighed when i saw her and rush to get her.

She's with a girl, NO she's with a stranger. A complete stranger. We don't know who is she and she didn't know who are we. She looks kind though but no we can't trust people that much. Yeah, she looks.... pretty.

"Ascella, i told you not to leave my side baby" i used my strict voice.

Snow look at me with a puppy eyes. "sowwy, mowmy" she said 'sorry mommy'.

"Is she your mother, little one?" is she an angel?!!?! oh my!!!

"po" snow said 'opo' while nodding.

"Oki, go to your mom na. We'll see each other soon, angel" she kissed my daughter's forehead and say goodbye.

"bye bye" snow hugged her.

"Come here, baby. Let's go home" snow come with me and i carry her.

"You make mommy worried. Don't do that again, baby" i kissed her face.

"Sowwy mowmy. abyu" she kissed my cheek 'sorry mommy. i love you' they're 2 years old so they can speak some words but it's not that clear.

"I love you more, baby" she wiggle herself meaning that she want me to put her down so she can walk.

I push the stroller and the push cart and snow is walking beside me. I kept on looking at her cause i can't let that happen again.

I payed everything at the cashier and mr. stuff helps me carry it into my car. I said thank you and on our way home, snow keeps on telling me about the pretty girl at the mall. She kept on talking even though i can't understand some of her words"

"Mi, she iss me. She so kwind and pwetty. I want to ee her" she pouted. (mommy, she kissed me. She so kind and pretty. I want to see her)

"We don't know her, baby. We can't see her again" I kept my eyes on the road and just then snow start crying.

"Shh shh baby. Mommy's driving. Yes, we will see her again, baby" i look at the rear mirror and i saw my baby happy that makes me smile.

"Mmy, loud" pagrereklamo ni Storm.

"Hi sleepyhead baby" i giggled.

"Hi, mi" Storm replied and starts sleeping. again.

Storm is smart and he can speak a lot of words clearly. Just like her, he's also smart.

We're home for about an hours ago and the twins are sleeping and it's 11pm in the evening so it's bedtime.

I lay in my bed and she's in my mind. The girl at the mall. I didn't know there's someone like her, she look like an angel. Her voice is soft as an angel and her face is like an angel. She's so pretty.

I can't stop thinking about her and i didn't know that i fall asleep thinking about her.

I woke up early in the morning because someone is outside. Someone press the doorbell.

Ugh, fcking doorbell. I want to sleep!!! Let me sleep!!!!

I went down and open the door. I thought it's just the mailman sending mails or packages but I'm shock when it's NOT THE MAILMAN, IT'S HER!!! OMG!

"Ahm, hi good morning! sorry for bothering your sleep but your daughter forgot her hairpin. She show it to me last night and saying stuffs i don't understand, I forgot to gave it when you came" damn, her voice.

"Ahm, i got your address from the ahm from the stuffs at the mall. I ahm I asked them because this pin might be important to your daughter." i think i scared her. it's my eyes that are scary, not me.

"Ah yeah, thanks for giving this back. You want to come in?" i said out of my mind.

"No, it's okay. Just came to give this hairpin" she rejected.

"Come on. Snow wanted to see you. She tells me that how many times last night" and me... i want to see and know you.

"Okay okay" she came in.

"Did you eat breakfast? I'll cook, what do you want?" I asked her and went inside the kitchen.

"No, im fine. I grab coffee on my way here" i can tell that she's shy so i just cook the typical breakfast.

"Here, let's eat" I prepared the food.

"Hala, i said na im fine diba? You don't have to cook pa" she's shy.

"Ang conyo mo naman, miss. Halika na, samahan mo ko kumain. I cooked food for two people, I can't eat it alone so come on" i pull the chair and let her sit comfortably.

"I'm not conyo kaya" she dined.

"Yeah, as you said so" i shrugged.

"Really? You just let a stranger come into your house?" she laughed.

"No, only you. Storm wants to see you, she'll cry if she didn't see you so that's why and it looks like you're kind though i can't trust that easily but yeah. What's your name, miss?" time to get to know her.

"Aiah, people call me that but I'm Maraiah Queen Arceta and you?" truly queen.

"I'm Mikhaela Lim. It's a pleasure to meet you, Aiah" and we eat while enjoying each others company.

While talking and laughing at the sofa, we heard a baby crying. The twins are awake. I excuse myself to Aiah and went upstairs to get the twins. I get back and smile flashes to Aiah's face when she saw the twins. Snow ran towards her and hugged her.

Hay, i love seeing my daughter happy.

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