Victoria G Interviews Camille Calvin

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Victoria G: What inspired you to become an actress?

​​Camille Calvin: When I was young I remember being hooked on a TV show called "My So-Called Life". The story followed a young woman who was navigating her way through high school. I related to her experiences. Claire Danes had a compelling performance on every episode. I thought "this is what I want to do". I wanted be an essential vessel of storytelling, but I didn't believe that it was possible, because I had never seen a woman who looked like me, performing in a role like the one Claire had on "My So-Called Life". At that time I had never seen a dramatic show following a black female character through something universally relatable, going through high school, something everyone could relate to. The majority of black women on TV / film were supporting characters in stories about growing up in the hood or slavery. There's nothing wrong with these topics, as those subjects educate, but obviously those aren't the only experiences that black people have.

VG: Who are your acting inspirations?

CC: I have many great women who have inspired my journey as an actor. Viola Davis, her performance in DOUBT blew me away. Josephine Baker, she came from a small town like me and made some incredible strides in her career. HalleBerry, she continues to evolve. Going from actor to action star, to filmmaker. They are all so inspiring.

VG: What is your favorite thing about acting?

CC: My favorite part about being an actor is having creative freedom. When your creativity isn't stifled by limitations, you've begun to discover true originality. Another thing that I enjoy the most is being able to appreciate the art of my friends in entertainment. When they're making their own creative choices I'll learn so much about them through their work. And celebrating each other for who we are is so lovely.

VG: What was your first acting job?

CC: My first acting job was in an off-off Broadway play. It was my first time ever being a part of a live performance. And also my first time going through long rehearsals. It was a tedious, yet satisfying process. On our opening night, I was so nervous that my hands were shaking, but once I stepped foot onto the stage I was in the zone, and forgot all about my fears. Hearing the live audience's reaction fueled my performance. Night after night, I'd get an immediate feedback from the crowd and it was the most exuberating and equally the most terrifying experience ever.

VG: What is your favorite project you have ever done?

CC: My favorite project is DESIRE LINES. I had the honor of being recognized by Film Invasion LA Film Festival as Best Actress in a Feature for that role of Honey Zeal. Patrick Connelly is such an unconventional director. His writing, the way he executes scenes are so different from any other project that I've been a part of... His style is his own, which is what is so refreshing about working with him. When you're doing the work, you're just not sure how it's going to be received, so it's a relief to see it all come together and to be recognized for it.

VG: What are some qualities you look for in a project?

CC: First of all, I don't want to play the same character over and over. So it's refreshing to find a character that is different from anything you've done in the past. Also, I look for something that will be a challenge. It's good to learn something new on every project.

VG: Which character that you have played so far has been the most similar to you?

CC: The most similar would have to be Brianna from "Deadly Cheers". Brianna is very different from me in that she is a single mom and Vice Principle of a prestigious high school. However, she fights tooth and nail to keep everything "together" so to speak. She has big goals set, and wants to propel her family forward. I can definitely relate to her driven personality.

VG: One of your most recent roles was as Brianna in the 2022 film, Deadly Cheers. What can you share about your time working on that film?

CC: After having a conversation with the director, Jessica Janos, I knew that this was a film I wanted to be a part of. Jessica and I had worked on a previous project together, she

reached out to me about a new film and thought I might be a good fit for one of the

characters, Brianna. We had a long conversation about who this character was at the

core. Jessica made her story and background so relatable and inspiring that I wanted to

bring this person to life. So I took all of the info that was given to me from that

conversation, read for the role and there was a callback. A few days later, I was relieved

to hear that I had landed the role.

VG: How would you describe yourself in three words?

CC: A tenacious, optimistic, dreamer.

VG: What are your social media handles?

CC: Instagram: Youtube: Facebook: Official Website: Twitter: TikTok:

VG: Where do you see yourself in ten years?

CC: I would love to see that I have established myself as a director and producer, as well as a leading actor. With at least 10 feature films that have been successfully produced and well received.

VG: What are three qualities every actor should have?

CC: 1. Determination 2. A positive outlook 3. An inquisitive nature

VG: Do you have any advice for an aspiring actor?

CC: My three tips are #1 study the actors that you admire, watch their work and their performances. #2 Reading is a big part of acting, so it's important that you read everyday. #3 Take ownership in your craft, practice writing your own scenes and perform them for your friends and family. Ask for their opinion. Learn to take criticism early.

VG: What's next for you?

CC: I'm currently finishing up a feature film called WHAT EVER HAPPENED TO DINNER. My character Wendy is something new and exciting to dive into. I'm also in the development phase of a new project. We are still seeking funding, and talking with potential investors. Hopefully I will have some good news soon.

VG: RAPID FIRE QUESTIONS Who is a director you would love to work with?

CC: Jordan Peel

VG: What is something you can't live without?

CC: 1. My bed. I enjoy a good nights sleep. But it's difficult for me to sleep anywhere new. 2. A passport. Because, you know... You have to get away from time to time. 3. My notebook. So I can jot down any inspiring ideas.

VG: What is your biggest pet peeve?

CC: A messy bed.

VG: Do you have any hidden talents?

CC: Not really.

VG: Do you play any instruments?

CC: Played the clarinet in school.

VG: What is your favorite pastime?

CC: 1940-60

VG: Do you have any pets?

CC: Not right now. But love dogs.

VG: What is your biggest fear?

CC: Touching a worm.

VG: What is your favorite film genre?

CC: Action

Victoria G Interviews Camille CalvinWhere stories live. Discover now