Today was a pretty hot day! I'm glad Bruce suggested that we should go get some ice cream.

"You really proved yourself, today! Not so bad for your first day of practice." Bruce compliments, looking at me.

"Thanks! I really tried giving it my all." I say, wiping the sweat off of my face.

"Ya! I could tell...." I nod, continuing to eat my ice cream.

"Hey! Uh, I know this is random....but, how are you doing with that guy friend of yours at the carnival? I saw you two, together. You guy's looked pretty close! You two are thing?" Bruce randomly asks me.

Opening my eyes, I look at Bruce.

"Hm? Oh! You're talking about Billy! Mm, no. We're not. We're just very close friends." I say, hesitating on saying the last statement.

"Ohh, okay....I see." Bruce say's, looking down at his shoes.

"Ya. We're both just good friends. Yaa....anyways! I should start heading back home." I say, getting up.

"Thanks for the ice cream, Bruce!" I thank, smiling brightly.

"Y-ya! Of course! It's no problem. Get home safely!" Nodding, I wave goodbye before making my way back to my bike.


After taking a shower, I enter my room. Wrapping a towel around my hair, while humming.

Hearing the phone ring, I go to answer.

"N/N!" Robins voice! It's Robin!

"Robin? Hey!" I yell, excited. I haven't talked to him on the phone for a while, now.

So hearing his voice on the phone made me feel happy and cheery!

"Hey! I was bored, so I decided to call you to ease my boredom. Well- I just wanted to talk with you. We haven't called in a while," I nod.

"Ya, you're right. So, tell me what's been going on. How's life treating you?" I grin.

"Life's been treating me well, actually. My mom just left to go on a business trip just now! She'll be back in a couple day's. So ya, that happened." Robin explains.

"I see....well that's pretty cool!" I say, doing my skincare.

"It is! How about you? Finney's been telling me how you been hanging out with a boy called Billy a lot lately. Is there a relationship I didn't know about?" Robin say's, obviously joking.

"Finn needs to stop spreading about my life around! Anyways, I'm not a relationship! We're just friends hanging out. I'm tired of repeatedly saying it." I sigh, shaking my head.

"I'll stop asking about it. But, we haven't been hanging out! It's getting kinda lonely out here." I laugh.

"Then let's hangout soon! We haven't in a while, anyways." I say.

"Bet. It's a plan, then!"

"It's a plan." I repeat.

"Well, I'll let you do whatever you're doing now. Probably doing your skincare right now which I see no difference after you do it, by the way." Shocked, I yell

"Screw you!"

"Screw you too, bye!" Robin then hangs up.

Rolling my eyes playfully, I continue to do my skincare.


Lying down in my bed, bored, I look out my window. It's still bright outside.

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