
11 1 0

I can't get up of bed,
Laying there for days without any motivation to get out,
Thinking of how to end up dead,
I only get shout.

Everyone that sees me in this state calls me lazy,
They don't understand and neither try to,
No one cares to ask why I am in the state they see,
No one thinks it is because of what I am going through.

What am I going through you may ask,
Well it is simple,
I feel really depressed and always wear a mask,
But at the same time I feel any emotion very little.

My mental state is progressively getting worse and worse,
I can't find motivation to even move a single finger,
It is so hard, and yet everyone just comments not caring it hurts,
I am in so much pain that I feel over the air it lingers.

I Needed to VentTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang