Chapter 14 - A Light in the Sea of Darkness

Start from the beginning

"Yo Chinese girl, no clothes?" Y/N raised an eyebrow. Denji was sticking his tongue out while respectfully looking at her assets.

"Torn apart" she replied. Soon, the defeated dolls stood up, both headless and half-destroyed ones. "The dolls have been enhanced. Seems like they won't stop until the main body gets destroyed" 

"Speaking of, where is it?" Y/N asked, but he received no answer "Hey I asked a-" 

'She's gone, dude'

"-Question. Wait, seriously?" He turned around, and what Alt said was true. 

"SOMETHIN' HAPPENED?" Denji also turned around to see Quanxi nowhere in sight "DID SHE SERIOUSLY LEFT US WITH THESE-" 

A doll rode Denji's back "ARGH! GET IT OFF!" 

Y/N chuckled and kicked the doll away from Denji. 

<--/// Underground Parking Lot ///-->

A tall doll with multiple sets of limbs, who is identified as Santa, was walking down until a barrage of sharp arrows broke her into pieces. 

It did nothing, as her wounds regenerated. It was fast, on par with Y/N's. 

"I didn't expect you to come. It's an honor to meet the person said to be the first devil hunter" Santa said. Quanxi replied with more arrows. Again, it only slowed Santa down as she stood up again "That stings. Hmm, how should I hunt an invisible hunter? I wonder if fire boy and saw boy can kill these puppets" 

"You babble too much" Quanxi then unleashed another barrage of arrows. 

<--/// Surface, Streets ///-->

The dolls' faces began to be alive, and by being alive, I mean they regained consciousness. Y/N couldn't tell if it was the real people reacting, or it was some cheap trick from Santa. 

"Huh? My arm? My arm! W-What happened-" 

"Argh! My legs! Why are my legs missing?!" 

"My body is m-moving on its own!" 

The dolls began panicking as soon as they saw their bodies getting toward the duo. 

"THIS IS SOME EVIL VILLAIN SHIT RIGHT HERE!" Denji then ran away with a horde of dolls following him. 

Half of the dolls stayed and fought Y/N. Y/N just stared at the disappearing figure as he dodged the Dolls' attacks. 

"...Eh, it's not like there's a geneva convention for puppets" and then, he started blasting.

'Maybe there's one in this realm?'

"No! No! Don't kill me!" Y/N then shot the screaming doll in the head. 

'Eh, too late to tell me that, Alt'

He parried an attack with the dagger, then dodged another attack. He ran around as he tried to group them up. 

"Hey! Nothing personal guys, I don't think there's a way for turning you lots to normal!" Y/N breathed deeply and unleashed a sea of flames from his mouth. 

As most of the dolls got burnt to a crisp, one managed to survive.

"Murderer! Devil! I-It hurts!" the doll yelled. Y/N raised his leg and bought it down on the doll's head.


"Oh great, now my pants are stained" Y/N looked around, and noticed the sun setting "I'll guess that's a bad thing"

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