Chapter 7: Back up

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Lisa lisa jumped onto the same pillar kars was on with a bunch of weapons at her feet. The pillarman offered her a weapon, but she refused, and used her scar as her weapon of choice. And with hat out of the way, they began their battle. 

Lisa lisa looked confused as to why kar's stance had no violence in it. Kars jumped at lisa lisa, who didn't move, but there was a flash of light, and kars disappeared from it. You decided to move further away from the ruins, since you weren't worried about the man losing to lisa lisa. He was never one to bother with things other then his goal. He would do anything to make sure whatever was in the way, was not. To him, victory is all that mattered.

And just as you thought, the one who fought lisa lisa was nothing but a vampire disguised as kars. Lisa lisa went down, and the red stone was in kars's hands.

"Now all that's left is for all of you to kill that annoying jojo!" 

At his command, the vampires surrounded joseph, and they began fighting. You stood to the side, watching silently while observing the male as he fought the vampires. The all of the sudden, the vampires around him began disintegrating. Standing up, you turned to the sorce of the event.

Someone who looked like a commander of sorts showed up with a bunch of people with Uv lights shining them at the vampires.

"You're up against von stroheim and the German elite!" 

"And we're the speedwagon foundation special forces!"

With those two groups here with Ultraviolet lights, they began moving to kill the vampires, splitting up. Without much hesitation, you ran towards the center, and began killing off as many of their allies as possible. Surprised by your sudden appearance by avoiding the UV lights under the darkness of the night, they thought you were a vampire. 

A sudden flash of bright light forced you to narrow your eyes, and avoid looking at whatever it was directly. When the light dimmer, you turned to glance at the area the light came from. 

It didn't take long either to figure out what had happened whe you spot kars making hhis arm turn into a squirrel. It was a few moments later, that the sun began to rise. The vampires around you screamed in pain as they disappeared, leaving only you and kars, standing under the sun. 

"This looks like our doom!" You heard some old man said. As the soldiers were distracted, you went back to attacking the group. The screams were eventually hear by the others, and they all turned to you, just to see you running their way, your weapons and hands covered with blood.

"What?! No way! The vampires are all supposed to-"

"She's not a vampire but a human!" Joseph yelled as you drew even closer. "And she's not our ally!"

Just as they began pulling out weapons, you placed the daggers back, and ran straight at them, moving fast enough for you to run past them without getting any serious injuries. You slid a few feet, coming to a stop before you made your way over to kars, staring at joseph just in case he tries anything. But unlike what you expected, joseph turned and began running. 

And of course, the pillarman chased after him. You anticipated this. You knew if joseph ran, kars would chased after him. Though without a well thought out play, he could get killed by joseph. If that is to happen, you had to sacrifice your own life if you wanted to stop that from happening.

Taking in a deep breath, you ran after joseph. He seems ever so slightly slower then you, so you thought you could eventually catch up to him. And you did. Jumping down the clif, he was just about to get into a warplane when you grabbed him. His head snapped around, and you quickly grabbed your dagger, stabbing joseph.

But just before your dagger could reach him, he stopped your weapon by grabbing your hand, the dagger between his fingers. 

"H-hey now, calm own a bit-"

"Leave." you said as you kicked the back of josephs knee. "Leave this place. Disappear." 

"Hey come on!" The male said as kars watched your interaction with joseph. "You're not making any sense!" He grabbed your arm, and tossed you over his shoulder and onto the ground. 

Taking this chance, you grabbed one of the engines, and jabbed your dagger into it. "Leave." You repeated.

"You may think a volcano can destroy kars, but you're wrong."

With your free hand, you grabbed another dagger, and charged it with hamon, throwing it into the warplane, destroying some of the controls. 

"Well, how would you know?" He questioned as you somehow managed to get free of his grip, and now, you were fighting him with no weapons whatsoever. 

It was only a while later you realized that he wasn't fighting you. Instead, he was using the fight with you to attack kars. You knew that he knew that he couldn't defeat him with hamon. You somehow managed to injure him before he got serious. You were in the way, and it looks like you wouldn't move unless he defeat you.

"Then you leave me no choice."

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