Take You Down: Chapter Twenty Three

Start from the beginning

That bastard just hit me.

I hear his footsteps behind me, probably thinking that I'm still in shock from his 'gay' blow to my face. Madison is pushing me, telling me to turn around, but I don't. I let him think he's winning.

Then, when I feel his presence behind me, I turn around and duck, seeing as he was aiming for the same spot again. Grabbing him by his legs, I pull him in closer and watch as he looses his balance. Lucas locks his knees and falls to the floor, his back the first thing to land.

I instantly get up and stand over him, my breath now ragged and quick. He groans and rolls over for a few seconds before slowly, knee by knee, taking the time to get up.

Meanwhile, Madison, thinking that I'd go in while he's still stunned-she's smart enough to figure out that much-laces her has hand around my upper arm like a loose handcuff.

Lucas stands on his feet and wavers slightly before looking at Madison. He starts backing away, but a sick smile is plastered on his face.

"Just you wait, Maddie," He warns, walking farther and farther back, "It's not over by a longshot."

I look at her while he starts to disappear, trying to read her expression before she covers it up again. She seems to notice what I'm doing and looks away abruptly before she can reveal too much.

I sigh, a frustrated sigh and touch her angled cheek, "Don't do that."

She turns back to me, playing innocent, "Do what?"

"That," I motion towards her act, "Don't shut me out."

In an instant, she has put a distance between us. Along with that, her guards are up again and I start to loose patience with myself.

"I don't know what you're talking about." She reasons, folding her arms across her chest.

A twinge of anger erupts in my stomach and I close my eyes, looking down at the floor. I take slow, deep breaths and rub my temples to calm myself. To calm all those emotions and to control myself from pulling her into my arms and showing her how much of an affect she has on me-to show her she can't get away from this easily anymore.

All that longing gets me going and I walk over to a wall and kick it angrily with all my might.

"Dammit!" I mutter, my chest heaving up and down.

Madison's breath hitches and somehow, I'm relieved that she knows how I feel. How angry I am at her.

I turn around and walk towards her, my mind deadset. When she sees me coming, she squirms slightly and repositions her folded arms. From the corner of her jean pocket, her car keys glisten in the sun that's peaking through the window.

When I reach her, I extend my hand and touch her chin, my throat clenching at the already swelling skin there. At first, Madison stiffens, but when she sees that I'm not settling for anything more, she starts to lean into my hand.

It's then that I take advantage of that and slip my other hand in her front pocket, grabbing her car keys and dropping her chin. She steps back, dazed, and then angry when she sees her keys in my hands.

Before she can say anything, I turn around and head for the door, knowing she'll have no choice but to follow me.

"Pablo," She hisses, her voice close after me, "What the hell! Give me my keys."

I shake my head, my lips in a straight line, "Nope."

I push the school doors open and head out, pressing the horn button to find her car. Luckily, it's close by so I don't have to listen to her convince me pointlessly into giving the keys back.

"Pablo I have a class right now." She raises her tone now, since we are outside.

With her still hot on my heels, I shrug, "Nobody is asking you to come."

"You have my keys!" She shouts as if talking to a three year old.

I shrug again and unlock her car, "I have your car."

She groans, something that I ignore, and I open the door to get myself settled inside. Just as planned, Madison opens the passenger seat and slides in, a glower on my face.

"If you take my baby, I'm coming with you." She snaps, shutting her door afterwards.

I close mine and start the engine, "Good, because I wasn't planning on letting you leave without telling me the truth."

                                              * * * * * 


I actually had alot of fun writing this chapter!

I already have the next one planned out, and let me tell you, all those pablo fans (which I think everyone should be haha) you're going to pass out and then come back to life again next chapter  <3

With that in mind, can I get 50 votes and 20 comments?


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