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Hello Writer guy here and would just like to say thank you for allowing me to continue to write this and those of you who constantly give me feedback in my comments it really helps Anyways without further question LETS BEGIN

All rights reserved to their respective owners


Subaru: Wait, WAIT

Emilia:(?) HM?

Subaru: would you like to form a contract



Emilia: Um I don't thin-

Subaru: OK how about this Since i have a moral duty to do at least 1 good thing a day then I would like to get one of those good deeds off my Back

Emilia: Bu-

Then suddenly Emilias head started to have a faint almost unnoticeable glow on her head and then a tail popped out from her hair then more features until a whole body was out but it wasn't too big it also looked... cat like??

Subaru: what the hell!!

Puck: Lia I believe that this one could be able to help and also I'm almost at my limit

Subaru: Limit?

Puck: We as spirits take up a lot of mana to appear in a physical form in this World and so since that is the case, I am only able to stay out at around 9-5.

Subaru: What!? are you some kind of civil servant?

Puck: what?

Subaru: scratch that, Anyways Would I be allowed to accompany you?

Emilia: but... I'm a half elf

Subaru: Oh, so that's why you were so beautiful elves are always beautiful

Emilia: !?, IM a silver haired half elf

Subaru: yes, I see that

Emilia: You dunderhead

A/N: please note that this stuff is happening so early on because of the fact that it is very late by the time Subaru gets to the capital so therefore Emilia has already searched for a while and the fact that she is calling him a dunderhead if because of the fact that even though things are in a different order doesn't mean that certain things won't happen at certain times (E/X: If Subaru were to meet Emilia at a later time such as at the loot house then at some point she would still worry for him or call him a Dunderhead) get what im saying?

Emilia crouches down and grabs her head while having wide eyes of disbelief

Subaru: who even says dunderhead these days?

Then puck materializes and tries to hit you, but you instinctively dodge and since your speed has been higher due to the fact you can fly you dodge pretty easily 

Subaru: why did you just try to hit me?

Puck: I don't Know why but it just felt right, but don't get the wrong idea I wasn't hitting out of anger quite the opposite actually

||NOTICE|| It would be a good idea to head to the loot house at this time

Subaru: ""you have been silent for a while now I, was getting worried""

||NOTICE|| Hmph

Subaru: ""huh wait was that emotion?""

||NOTICE|| You are incorrect 

That time i got RE:Incarnated As a SpiritWhere stories live. Discover now