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Arlen was sleeping peacefully while hugging his favorite plush tight, a soft and cute stuffed animal of Green from Rainbow Friends. This plush was given to him as a gift when he was born from his mother's friend, Barbie. It had what is called a cryer inside of it, a sound box that squeaks every time it moves. Unfortunately, the ravenette was born completely deaf and was never able to hear the plush's squeaks, but that never mattered to him. Green was his best friend anyway. He thought that they completed each other in a way, Green was blind and he was deaf. Unlike most children, he had to learn how to read before he watched the show. His mother, Kailie, spent time in teaching him how to do so. He loved his mother more than anything. He wondered what Green's relationship was with his mom. He had to love her too, right? The two were the same in his eyes.

The next born child in the family was Abi Marshall, a young girl born with beautiful curls of red hair that resembled her mother. However, she had her father's beautiful ocean blue eyes. She quickly made a connection with Blue upon watching the show, he was the color of her eyes, both cute and huggable. He wore a crown as well, did that mean he was a prince? Her father, Shane, always called her the princess of the house. It had to be true! They were meant to be together. Her father's friend, Willow, made sure to gift her the Blue plush as soon as he came out in stores. The two immediately became best friends, the girl often having many imaginary adventures with the mascot in question. Her father would always play along with it, often teasing her and asking if she had a crush on Blue. She would always cover where his ears would be and say, "No! He is my super best friend!" ...Though, it never stopped her father from teasing her in such a way. She loved Blue nonetheless.

Their second son, Sean, was also a redhead with beautiful freckles all along his face. He was the quickest to know how to read, watching the episodes where the children find Red's fallen alphabet blocks first. He of course, felt a connection to Red because of this. It almost felt like he was a real friend that Sean would play with. He also liked him because he was a scientist that would come up with great experiments, and Sean would often watch his father work in the shop with his tools, often creating interesting gadgets with his father's help. He was gifted with natural smartness, it seemed. The boy won show and tell at school almost every time, and would brag yo his Red stuffed animal all about it when he got home.

Their last child was an energetic and bright girl to whom they named Dania. She often had a large appetite and would throw temper tantrums when her parents didn't feed her. She didn't hesitate to bite her father's arm in the middle of the night in one of these bizarre cases. Of course, that anger would disappear when her parents would give into her wishes and throw her a bag of Goldfish in the middle of the night. She would proudly eat her prize, then go to sleep for the night. The first time she watched Rainbow Friends, she felt a connection to Orange almost instantly. Her hair was orange, and he quite literally, is Orange! She begged for a pet lizard many, many times after watching the show.

"You can have one if you score high on your math test," Shane rolled his eyes with a smile.

"Fine, I will! Watch me!" She folded her arms, running into her room quickly.

As her father expected, she came home sobbing with yet another F on her math test.

"Shane!" Her mother shook her head, picking Dania up in her arms with angered eyebrows. "Buy her the damn lizard!"

"Fine, fine," He sighed and grabbed his car keys, driving over to the store. He came home with an official Rainbow Friends Orange plush instead.

It was a smart choice. Dania forgot about the real lizard quickly, and decided that she'd become best friends with Orange instead. And she did!

Currently, Kailie made her way into her oldest son's room and tried to shake him awake, gently running a hand throughout his hair.

The boy's eyes fluttered awake slowly, and he rose up from his bed and rubbed his right eye, hugging his Green plush tightly afterwards.

'Today is April 16th, your birthday. Are you excited?' The redheaded woman signed, smiling to him.

He groans, looking at his calendar. 'No. I'm turning 10 today which means that I will be made fun of for watching Rainbow Friends at school. I was already made fun of for it because I am 9. I can't hear what they are saying, but I can just sense it.' He hugs his knees up to his chest. 'I don't have friends at school, Mom. Nobody knows sign language, so Green is my only friend. They took him from me and threw him across the room once. I cried hard and got really mad.' He sniffles. 'I don't want to be 10 today. I lose everything today.'

His mother frowns. How did she not know about this before? She pulls her son into a tight hug, not letting go of him for awhile. 'They make fun of you because you and Green are special, and they aren't. Green might be blind, but because of that, all of his senses are amazing and not like anyone else's. Expect for yours, Arlen.' She wipes his tears, trying to comfort him the best that she possibly can. 'You can't hear, but you have excellent eyesight. I bet you could watch Rainbow Friends a mile away and still be able to read the captions. That's special, isn't it?' She smiles. 'Dont let them take what is special away from you.' She kisses the top of his head. 'Besides, the older you are, the smarter you will be too! Now, get dressed for the day. Dad is waiting in the car to take you somewhere special.'

With that, Arlen dressed himself in a white dress shirt with a green jacket and a pair of black slacks. He surely was unsuspecting of the present awaiting him.

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