nutty 😜😜😜

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zhans bunny theeths were now visibly showing off.....

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zhan sent a flying kiss to his baobae.....

which made bobo to blush in in his entire existence

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which made bobo to blush in in his entire existence...he was blushing so much that eh wanted to dig a hole and burry himself within right at this moment

he was blushing so much that eh wanted to dig a hole and burry himself within right at this moment

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but pappa broke their happy kisses....

pappa " then why wont i be okay with it..."

bo " but"

mamma " yah we know you are a boy so do our zhan zhan and we do need a heir..... but it doesn't mean  that , we will force out kids to live a life with someone who they don't love ."

mamma continued "  and for babies we can adopt one - well many kids need a happy family to or. we can also surrogate if you prefer a blood bond...." mamma nodded to bo face to face

bo was stunned , his eyes betrayed by trickling few tear drops. his facial clearly shows he was so scared of this issue all along since day one he realized he fell for his zhan ge senselessly .

⚡ nutty...  (Zhan❣ bo) - OneShot...Where stories live. Discover now