•part 6

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when your alarm went off you then woke up
you then got up got changed did your makeup and hair and then went downstairs and grabbed some pancakes your mom had and then brushed your teeth and then 10 mins later jayla, jaden and javon were outside so you ran out and got in the car and sat next to jaden

y/n: hey
jaden: hello
jayla: bonjour
javon: do you wanna know a fact about y/n that you prob didn't know
jayla: go on then
javon: y/n is puerto rican and she is almost fluent in Spanish that's why she gets good grades in Spanish
jaden: omg twins except we can't speak Spanish
we all laughed and then when you arrived at school you got stopped by jaden
y/n: um jaden i nee-
he cut you off
jaden: so yk prom is tomorrow
y/n: yeah what about it?
jaden: and i asked you? and you said yea
y/n: yes?
you was so scared he had changed his mind and wanted to take someone else
jaden: we'll ive got a surprise for you when u get back to mine
you let out a sigh of relief
y/n: aw
you gave him a hug
y/n: so can i go in school now?
jaden: oh sorry yeah ofc
you walked into school and you had first period history with...JAVON YES you ran to history and saw javon and started to do your handshake
you saw jaden in the corner of your eye looking like he'd been crying
y/n: hey javon i'll be back
javon: hurry though class is about to start
y/n: will do
you ran over to jaden and tapped him on the shoulder when he turned around
y/n: jaden what's wrong
jaden: nothing y/n... please go
y/n: no i'm not leaving until you tell me what's up
y/n: yes? what's wrong?
jaden: just stay away from jacob please
y/n: sure i try to anyway but why
jaden: he said he will kill you if u didn't date him
y/n: oh jaden, it's fine i can deal with him
jaden: i have text proof so..
y/n: we can tell the cops?
jaden: sure after school?
y/n: alright love you
jaden: love you go to class i have a free period
y/n: oh okay bye
jaden: bye

you ran to class
teacher: y/n your late
y/n: yes i'm really sorry sir i had to do sm
teacher: and that was?
y/n: sorry i can't say
teacher: fine sit down next to james please y/n
y/n: but-
teacher: NOW
y/n: why can't i sit next to javon?
teacher: I SAID NOW
teacher: i'm calm
y/n: obviously not
you sis under your breath
james: you look like a hoe in that outfit
you slap him HARD in the face (more that once) the teacher then saw after he fell of his chair
y/n: thank god
you walk out and wink and javon and he winks back

you then walked to the principals office and knocked
principal: come in
you opened the door and saw the principal with jaden
principal: oh y/n you again
y/n: mhm
principal: lemmie guess? had a fight in....history?
y/n: wow your correct
you fist pump the principal and jaden looked shocked
jaden: what the-
you smile at jaden and he smiles back
principal: lemmie guess u like her?
jaden: actually, we're dating
principal: omg good for youuu
y/n: so what do i have?
principal: free periods for the rest of the day!
y/n: oh thanks but.. can i please have-
principal: yes javon can have it with you
principal: alright
*on the loud speaker*
principal: can javon walton please head to the principal office

you saw javon come straight here
javon: lemmie guess free periods for the rest of the day?
y/n: correct
jaden: yall-
javon: we're the favourites here
principal: correct
jaden: lucky
y/n: how abou-
principal: yeah sure but your gunna have to get her
y/n: OKAY! javon u coming?
javon: hell yeah
y/n: jaden?
jaden: idk what ur doing but sure
y/n: what lesson and where?
principal: english in A203
y/n: okay
you all run to A203 in english block

when you get there you knock on the door and then open it after
teacher??: yes?
you look at kylee and she smiles and looks at you and knows exactly what's happening
y/n: can we borrow kylee?
teacher??: sure will you be back
y/n: no
teacher??: well then u can't have her
y/n: but-
teacher??: no
y/n: email the principal then? or should i get her
teacher??: take her she's annoying anyway
y/n: rude CMON KYLEE
kylee: IM COMING Y/N!
kylee came and hugged you
kylee: thanks u saved my life!
javon: what did james do anyway?
y/n: not that much just called me a hoe and i started it so we could leave
jaden: how many fights have u been in
kylee: MANY i've come out of class literally once a week
javon: yeah same
y/n: shall we get-
javon: yes
kylee: ok let's go
y/n: jaden u coming
jaden: nah i have second period soon?
y/n: no you don't you have no more lessons
jaden: do i?
y/n: yeah
jaden: yall r so valid
javon: fuck yeah
you get in the car and grab some mcdonald's and go back to school so it was 3rd period

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