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~Analise's pov~

I woke up screaming feeling like I was pinned down. I opened my eyes and looked around as my mom rushed into my room. I tried to calm down but I couldn't, I felt like I couldn't breathe, I hated this feeling. My dad came in yelling about my immaturity. I cried shaking hard, no one understood. My mom yelled at my dad for yelling at me. I couldn't take it anymore. I grabbed my sweatshirt and my sneakers and ran out the door. By the time I was 2 blocks away I stopped to put my shoes on. I was shaking, it was cold and late and I didn't know what to do. I looked at my phone, 2:15am. I sighed and called Adam.

~Adam's pov~

2:00am and I still couldn't sleep. Freaking time zones. I sighed and stared at the ceiling hoping to get some sleep. My phone rang and I jumped. Who the hell would call me at 2:00am est. I looked and answered frantically, "Ana?! What's wrong?!" She was crying and hard to understand. "C-can I come b-by?" She asked through her sobs. "Of course, I'm at the hotel in the highlands, I don't remember what it's called." I said hoping she knew it. "I'll be there in ten" she choked out and hung up.

~Analise's pov~

I ran as fast as I could to the hotel. When I ran through the doors I got strange looks from the man behind the desk. Adam met me at the stairs and I collapsed into his arms. I was shaking worse than ever from the cold, my crying, and the fear from the nights events. He walked me to his room and I curled up against him on the bed. "Ana, what happened?" He asked in a whisper. I looked at him, "I... I had a nightmare, I was being raped all over again." I cried softly into his chest, he held me close and rubbed my back. "Then my mom and dad started fighting, my dad hated that I was so weak and couldn't get over it. My mom tries to help but it always turns into an argument." I explained.

"You're safe here Ana" Adam held me close and I closed my eyes. "Go to sleep babe, I got you" and with those 7 words I drifted to sleep.

~Adam's pov~

I watched her all night, she struggled but didn't wake and it broke my heart. My phone vibrated and I reached for it. It as Jesse telling me I had to go back. My heart sank, I couldn't leave her now. Not after this. I called him and slipped out without disturbing her. "Hey Jesse, yeah I know trust me, I can't leave her now." I sighed knowing work started up again tomorrow, "I know Jesse but yeah give me until tonight." I looked at her "okay, bye". I hung up and crawled back next to her. "I thought you left" she whispered as I wrapped my arms around her, "never" I assured her.

"I'm sorry for being such a burden," she started and I stopped her. "Stop you're not a burden you are my girlfriend" I said with a smile. "You have to leave tonight" she said, "yeah I know, and you start school tomorrow." I replied. "I should go" Ana said as she got up to go. "Ana, what's going on?" I grabbed her arm, "nothing, let me go Adam why do you want a broken girl like me anyway." She stormed away and down the stairs, I ran after her.

~Analise's pov~

I sprinted out of there. I knew this wouldn't work. My life was so screwed up it wasn't right to drag him into this. He caught me as I reached the street and pulled me close, "Adam please" I begged tears in my eyes. "You asked me why I wanted someone broken, well here it is, your not broken Ana you're strong and you see me for me not for my money or what I do for a living. Do you know how hard it is to find someone like that? Damn it Ana, I'm trying, I'm not good at this! I know how to handle models and other celebrities but an innocent girl like you I don't know how to do that!" I looked at him as he shouted. "I know you are but my life is so screwed up I can't drag you into this, I really like you Adam, and you're right it's for you not your fame, but I'm scared I'll hurt you or I'll be hurt." I looked at him, "Adam let me go now and I'll figure this out before we get too serious. I mean we did just meet last week." I managed a smile, "I'll fly out Friday and we can talk."

"I thought you had school?" He asked. "I do it completely online I can go to school where ever I am." He smiled. "I'll see you Friday then. Well I guess I should go pack" he sighed. I kissed him, "only 5 nights. I promise to have this sorted out."

I ran back home and changed before running out again. I knew what I needed, and it wouldn't happen here. I walked into the attorneys office and introduced myself.

~Adam's pov~

I watched her go and went up to pack and change my flight. Knowing that she'd be in LA on Friday was going to be the only thing getting me through the week. I just wish I could help her, but I knew she had to do this alone.

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