Drunkard (Drunk!Josiah x Reader)

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Author's Note: Hi guys!! It's been a while and I am so sorry, college got me so busy. Life too. I'm pretty sure someone requested this. I am so sorry for the person who asked for it and had to wait MONTHS for it.

TW: swearing, alcohol included

Thanks to Gary and Jackson, the office decided to have a party after work. This is my first time going out with coworkers so I'm excited! It's also great since Gary will pay for all of us. He should since he's been making us work so hard these days.

I walked next to Josiah who was playing on his console. I think he's playing CSGO or something. I sigh.

"What's up [Y/N]?" He immediately asked, hearing my sigh.

Unexpected, I blink in confusion. "Oh, I thought you were focused on your game! But.. nothing is wrong, I'm excited and maybe a tad nervous."

Who am I kidding? I'm super excited, this will be my first time seeing Josiah drunk. That's if he drinks...

"Don't worry, I'll protect you from our drunk coworkers." He says with reassurance and a side hug.

I smile. "Aw thanks Josiah, I really appreciate that but aren't you going to drink too? Despite pulling pranks on everyone else, you always seem tired, and working hard."

"Well thanks.." He seems to flush at the compliment. "I wasn't really planning to drink. I was gonna stay for an hour and head home to play games. Want to join?"

The offer was very tempting but should I really accept to miss an opportunity to see him drunk!? He could be anything when he's drunk.

"I appreciate the offer but.. I want you to stay so we can spend time together. We should let loose after all the hard work, you know? Besides, I can stay sober for the both of us and help you get home!"

"That doesn't sound too bad. If worse comes to case, you can always stay over at my apartment. I'll take the couch." He smiles.

"It's a deal!!" I clap my hands together, happily. The plan is successful.


Just like I expected, everyone got down to drinking and eating. The majority of our coworkers got drunk. Especially Jackson. He had his arm around Josiah who seemed to be in a daze.

"Come on Josiah! Drink some more! Ahaha!" He gently shakes him.

Josiah responds with a groan and grabs another cup of beer.

I smile a bit worriedly, "For someone who said they weren't going to drink a lot, he got heavily peer pressured." I thought to myself.

Soon I realized, this is what I wanted. A drunk Josiah!! I gently pushed Jackson away and helped Josiah sit up. "Josiah? Earth to Josiaaahhh.. Do you want water? I think you had too much." Despite me wanting this, I care about his health.

He looks at me, his face is red from the beer. He smiles as I set the beer down for him. "Oh.. It's [Y/N].. what's up..?" He answers, slowly.

I held back a laugh, he's so adorable. "Hi Josiah.. Do you want water?" I couldn't help but smile.

He thinks about it. Maybe a bit too long. "...what was the question again?"

I burst out laughing. "Pffft.." I ended up getting him a glass anyway. He drinks it as I check the time.

"Oh shoot! It's already midnight! We need to get you home!" I exclaimed and helped him up. He leans onto me, hugging me.

"Thanks [Y/N.. I appreciate it.." He murmurs. His words seemed to be slurring anyway.

"Of course Josiah! I just wish you weren't so heavy.." I muttered the last part. I paid our bit and took him home. It was cold but Josiah kept me warm with his hug. I wonder if he was cold.

I stop for a brief moment and look at his face. I could only see so much since he was resting his head on my shoulder but he was absolutely adorable. He was like a curled-up kitten.

Unconsciously, I kissed his head and then started walking to his home again. I never expected him to be cute and cuddly as a drunk person. It made me want to protect him at all costs.

We finally make it to his place and I set him on the couch for a bit. What kind of clothes does Josiah wear when he goes to bed?? Maybe a t-shirt and baggy pants right?

I hesitantly check under his work shirt if he had anything under and he did. I take it off for him while he was snoozing away. I walk to his room and throw it into his laundry basket. I go through his clothes to find any pants for sleep and eventually found one.

I head back and shut my eyes as I took off his pants. I gently shook him.

"Josiah put pants on please."

"Huh..? Oh ok.." He tiredly replies and lazily does so. I fix it for him.

I sigh in relief. Finally done and now I can head to bed. Too tired to carry him to his room, I take his room for the night. I mean he also said I could. I flop onto his bed and think.

Maybe I should've gotten him a blanket and a pillow.. I'll do it, after like five minutes. As I lay there, Josiah happened to walk to his room himself.

"Sleepytime.." He mumbles and sleeps next to me. I squeak at the sudden shift and look up.


"Shhhh.." He wraps his arms around me and hugs me close.

He nuzzles his head into my shoulder and soon fell asleep again. My sleepiness immediately washed away and was replaced with embarrassment.

A few attempts were made to free myself but Josiah, unexpectedly, had a strong grasp. I gave up after the last attempt and pulled the blanket over us.

I gaze at him, his calm and cute sleeping face. I move some of his hair and rub his cheek. "Goodnight Josiah.." I peck his nose and go to sleep myself.

The Next Morning

Josiah happened to wake up first. He groans in pain as he sat up. He held his head.

"Christ.. Did I drink too much last night? My head is pounding.." He was about to reach for his phone to check the time but instead of grabbing his phone, he grabs my sleeping figure.

"!? This isn't my phone but someone's arm-" He immediately falls out of bed. "[Y/N]!?"

I woke up due to his yell and sat up. "Huh..?" I rubbed my eyes.

"Oh god! What did I do!? Did I do something I shouldn't have!?" His face was in pure panic, guilty even.

I blink, wide awake now. I wave my hands. "No, you didn't! Don't freak out! I promise you didn't!! You just joined me in your bed and we slept... together.." My face slowly reddens at the last part.

He sighs in relief, blushing himself now. "Thank god.. I would never want to hurt you [Y/N]."

"Oh, Josiah.. that is so sweet." My heart warms. He is truly a kind person.

I get off the bed and help him up. "I'll prepare us breakfast, how 'bout it?"

"Absolutely. I need to take some painkillers anyway. My head hurts.." He groans.

"I'll get that ready for you too!"

"Thanks [Y/N], you'd be a wonderful wife."

"...yours right?" I asked and ran to the kitchen.

"Wh-" He blinks, now turning red. "[Y/N]!!"


After we had breakfast and got ready for work, we walked together to the building.

"You know, I'm fine with you being my wife." He says, out of the blue.

As I turned red, he made a run for it.

"JOSIAH!!" I yelled and chased after him.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2022 ⏰

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