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Star stood at the gate to Mondstat, a bag slung over her shoulder and her lilac hair tied into a loose braid. Golden star-shaped earrings dangled from her pointed ears, and blue scales were scattered across her shoulders. The scales glittered in the sunlight, the sun shining bright over the gate to the kingdom of wind.

A gust of wind blew across Star's open shoulder. She wore an open shoulder, knee length, sky blue dress. The second she stepped into the city, she was met with a bustling marketplace.

People shouted out sales they were having and people crowded around stalls. Houses were situated behind the market, as well as various other shops. Off in the distance stood the castle, and surrounding the castle were the houses of all the nobles, a similar setup to Fontaine.

As she stepped into the crowd, she let it guide her. She wasn't here for a reason, simply here to explore. Of course, she had travelled several of the other kingdoms already, notably Fontaine, which was her homeland, Natlan, and Sumeru.

Stardust Belle was a young woman from a noble family in Fontaine, a hybrid between a mermaid and an elf. Like her mother, she could switch between legs or a tail, and she had pointed ears like her father and many of his other elf traits. She had long lilac hair and facial features from her mother, and got her bright blue eyes and freckles from her father.

She had two older siblings, twins named Dawn and Clove, who both had the same orange hair as their father, freckles like Star, and green eyes like their mother.

As the crowd guided her, Star ended up in a large plaza surrounded by merchants with a fountain in the center. She took a seat at one of the various benches scattered around, watching the people pass through. A certain trio caught her eye however.

Leading the group was a girl with black hair, the body of a horse, and tall antlers covered in various jewels. Behind her walked two men, seemingly arguing with each other. On the left stood a man with dark skin and blue hair, while on the right was a man who was ghostly pale in comparison, his fluffy red hair tied into a loose ponytail.

Meanwhile, Moon was grumbling to herself as the group walked slowly towards the tavern. She glanced behind her and rolled her eyes. "Oh shut up you two! It's non-stop with you! Always arguing! I can't take you anywhere."

Her eyes then landed on Star's, who looked away the second Moon made eye contact. "Hey Diluc, I think there was a girl checking you out~!" she cooed.

Diluc glanced at Moon then frowned. "There's always girls checking me out Moon, I'na prince."

Moon snickered. "Not much of one, name ten prince duties you've done this past month."

"I will tear your antlers off and sell them," Diluc threatened, glaring at Moon.

"Oh boo hoo, you guys get a free pair whenever I shed. Maybe you should go talk to that girl, she's looking at us again."

Kaeya nodded. "Yeah, it's about time you find someone or at least start mingling. You stay shut up in your room almost constantly, and Father does want you to find someone soon. Besides, you have to so you can be king, I can't be king! I'll lose all my freedom!" he cried out dramatically, throwing his arm across his forehead.

Diluc rolled his eyes. "Fine, I'll go mingle, but you two are coming with me."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2022 ⏰

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