Life of a villager

Start from the beginning

Chief: Please... tell me this is about the portal...

POV villager: Yes and no. Sad part is, we have a new hero in town. Good part is he has no memories and even was kind enough to try help us escape! 'Even if that went terrible...' 

Cheif: Don't tell me you forgot. He may have no memories, but he is still a hero. Heroes aren't all bad, but they are too greedy and full of themselves.

POV villager: But sir! He tried to help us escape even after I freaked out at him! He, himself said, and I quote: "I am not a hero" before I explained about the races!

Random villager: Wait... That contradicts him being-

POV villager:  You can't tell me he is greedy, nor is he full of himsel-


And as I was saying that... an explosion was heard. I was scared shitless.

'Did... Did he betray me?' I thought. I figured 'No... If he wanted he could've done it long ago...'

By this point, people were running directly towards the sound. After all, all these years with such destructive beings made us resistant to fear, used to having to run towards danger.

Cheif: Maybe he isn't greedy nor full of himself, or maybe he was acting. You know FIRST-HAND how some might try to befriend us just to see the look of despair we make... I thought you'd learn after the first one.

After scolding me, the cheif ran full-speed towards the sound. He is the fastest of the village, and I can barely keep up with him. (A/N: Remember that these are normal humans, but they are normal humans that had to deal with monsters able to kill heroes for enough time to let evolution do it's thing.)

The closer we were to the source of the explotion, the more people we noticed. Some stopped moving. Others were muttering between themselves. As we made it to the source, I froze. It was the portal.

POV villager: The portal... i-it's...

POV villager: IT'S OPEN!!! HE OPENED IT!!!

*Before timeskip, Hero's POV*

As the villager walked away before I got a chance to ask his name, I remembered my current mission: Turn on the portal.

*After timeskip, still Hero's POV*

I have seen multiple universes and none of them are peaceful. Not as bad as hell... except the 4th one, that one was the worst. 

Up until now... I heard a voice say.

'Shit. I went crazy with the portals.'

Nope~. I am real. I think. I could help you if you want. There are few places you could choose. The golem universe should work, right?

Hero: Why would you help me-

Cuz I'm bored.


Did you expect some "because you are the chosen one" bs? Nope.

'No, but to be someone's toy...'

You want help or not?

'Sure, but-'

Okay then. Put your arms apart.

'ermm... like this?'

Wrong pose. Spread your legs a bit more

'Lol you sound like a per-'

Don't you dare finish that sentence. Anyways, look at the stones.


Exactly. struck the stones

I struck them, and the portal exploded... kinda. It sounded like an explosion, but it just opened.

And I saw what could only be described as a version of paradise. Golems, some which would make it up to my knee, others which doubled or even tripled my height, a meadow covering everything the eye could see, with some mountains here and there. Weirdest part being that everything except the flowers were different tones of silver and gray. It was so... peaceful.

I noticed the village was gathering around.

...Maybe because of the explosion noise...

I saw someone with a beautiful wooden crown, with flowers and feathers. He looked more surprised than everyone else.

Cheif: Only... one...

Hero: What?

Cheif: I have heard... of only one other being capable of opening the portal to the golem's. Well kid... You now are part of this village. For now, that's your life. Got it?

At this, I couldn't help but smile.

Hero: GOT IT!!

Cheif: So...

Now that you are starting your life as a villager, you need a name, at least.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2022 ⏰

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