That Wasn't Planned

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Scenty's P.O.V

'We've only been here for a few days and I hate it! We can't even try to get this over with either because Lantern broke his leg. I think Backpack did say earlier that Airy was planning on bringing MORE people in which I think is just stupid! Why can't this just end already...?'

Moldy: Scenty? Earth to Scenty?

Scenty had been zoning out about this situation she hadn't realised that Moldy had been calling her for a few minutes.

Scenty: Oh, sorry Moldy, I was thinking to myself.

Moldy: About the competition again?

Scenty: Yeah...

Moldy: I know you want to leave, all of us do but I think we just have to do this.

Scenty stays silent. She thinks that there's another way to get out of here other than these 'eliminations' and she'll figure it out soon.

Backpack: Alright everyone! There was a slight change of plans and I'm going to need you all gathered together to complete the next challenge!

Tray: Oh I can't wait!

Subway Seat: Didn't Airy say that we aren't doing any until Lantern's leg is better?

Whippy Creamy: Yeah he did! What's with the sudden change?

Backpack tries to explain why there was a change but constantly keeps getting interrupted by constant questions. 'Why did it change?' 'What's the challenge?' 'Isn't there supposed to be new contestants?' and so on.

Backpack: Oh my god, SHUT UP AND LET ME EXPLAIN!

Everyone was silent.

Backpack: Thank you. Now as I was saying...there is going to be a delay in the arrival of the new contestants for a short while due to some...difficulties but it will be sorted soon. As for the challenge, we can't keep you all here waiting and so we decided we will do some type of easy-ish challenge for you, Lantern would just need your assistance.

Moldy: So you're making him do the challenges even with a broken leg? I can't believe this.

Backpack: It's either that or you wait however long for that to heal, your choice.

Backpack gave off a smirk, it only p*ssed Moldy off more.

Backpack: One last thing. We think that you should be on teams. Since there's an uneven number of you, it might be best for the old contestants to be on one team and the new ones to be on the other. Sounds good?

Contact Lens(Lense): I guess that seems reasonable but can we know the challenge?

Backpack: Airy will explain in a moment. I would split into your teams and back up, wouldn't want anyone to be crushed again, would we?

Moldy: Can you maybe oh I don't know...NOT JOKE ABOUT ANY OF THIS???

Backpack: *Under his breath* Seems like someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed today...

Moldy: What did you say?

Moldy was getting more visibly angry by what Backpack was saying, both teams trying to keep their distance from her. She looked ready to punch Backpack's face until the Plane started shaking. Two giant hollow logs fell from the sky, similar to the poles and beam but they were full of water. Airy would announce the next challenge.

Airy: Sorry about the whole change of plans guys, we didn't want to keep you bored and so we decided to try keep things simple. There are two pools here, one for each team. The challenge is to keep afloat in these pools and the first team to have one or more members sink, is up for elimination. I have to do something quickly though so I've set a timer to teleport you into the pool after one minute. I shouldn't be long thought.

Airy leaves to do what he needs to do and the others just wait around. Lantern and Nail are worried about this challenge, they're both made of metal and would easily sink the the bottom, not to mention Lantern still has a broken leg, how can he swim?

Moldy: Wha-   you call that easy!? Those two are clearly going to sink and you think that's fair!?

Moldy made her way closer to Backpack and pulled him by the tie as she was speaking.

Backpack: WOAH- How about you calm down and let me go you-

Moldy: You want me to calm down? Have you ever even heard yourself!?

Scenty wants to try to diffuse the argument between Moldy and Backpack, the newer contestants were just watching, scared to get involved. Then suddenly the timer had finished, they were all teleported into the pools, Backpack included since Moldy had a hold of him, Scenty and Magazine quickly went over to Lantern and Nail to help keep them afloat, they couldn't stop Moldy from whatever she would do to the man.

Moldy: You think you're soooo special don't you?

Backpack: Ugh! Let go of me you b**ch! I said let go!

Moldy: You think that will stop me? You're pathetic and weak...

Backpack had been held at an angle where a majority of his body was under the water, he couldn't exactly swim but he wanted to break loose from Moldy.

Backpack: L-LET ME GO NOW!


Without any hesitation, Moldy had completely dunked Backpack underneath the water, as much as he'd try to break free, he couldn't, his strength was no match for Moldy. As he was under the water he could hear people yelling at Moldy to let him go but nobody did anything. They couldn't.  It didn't matter how soggy she got, she was going to kill him.

She succeeded.

After a short while Backpack had stopped resisting being dunked. She did it. Scenty, Nail, Magazine and Lantern had just witnessed Backpack being drowned by her. It was messed up but did he deserve it? The other contestants hear the shouting but didn't exactly know what was going on, the only thing they were focused on was keeping Subway Seat And Bassy floating. Airy was to come back soon but how would he react to this?

Moldy: *Panting* Is he...


Moldy: Yeah, so what if I did? He totally deserves it!

Lantern: He might have been an ***hole but you didn't have to kill him! What would Airy think!?

Moldy: I don't care what Airy thinks!

Airy: You don't care what I think of what?.......I-is that...Backpack?

Scenty: A-Airy! Please let me explain! I can assure you that it was just-

Magazine: Yeah it is! Moldy just drowned him!

Moldy: You're really going to snitch on me like that!?

Airy: WHAT!? WH-   *Inhale & exhale* Why did you do that?

Moldy: He deserved it, that's why!

Airy: You can't just drown my co-host and say that he deserves it. Sure he may be an ***hole but we're working on that! My God....let me just respawn him.

Backpack had been respawned onto the Plane. For the first time in ten years he was back in that endless void of a waiting room. He When he returned, he looked straight to the sky and asked one simple question.

Backpack: Can I just...leave for I while...?

Airy: Yeah...

Airy teleports him out and into the cave where they would both sit. The mic had turned off and he went to comfort Backpack.

Scenty: You really didn't have to do that you know...

Moldy: I needed a lesson to go through his f***ing head! I did what I needed to do.

Magazine: G-guys...I don't think I can hold onto these two much longer...

Just after saying that Magazine had lost grip of both Lantern and Nail, Scenty ended up losing her grip of Lantern as well causing them to loose the challenge. Airy had brought them all out of the pools but he didn't say anything. They already knew who was up for elimination.

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