he entered his almost empty homeroom, slumping himself down in his chair. his head rested on his palm as he lit a cigarette.

he watched in his peripheral vision as shouto quietly walked up to the desk next to his, seating himself down without his usual morning greeting. katsuki sighed.

he had definitely just fucked up his entire friendship with todoroki.


it was the same during classes. shouto simply couldn't find himself focusing on his work, only the students around him. it was the first class of the day. some where writing diligently, some not at all. and katsuki bakugou?

he was sleeping.

"katsuki bakugou! you are not permitted to sleep in class!"

"the fuck are you gonna do about it? you squealing pig."

"god.. i don't get paid enough for this."


second and third period, physical exercise.

"bakugou! stop adding weights to the bar! this is only meant to be a balance exercise!"

"don't tell me what to do!"


fourth period, mathematics.

"katsuki bakugou with the highest marks in the class with 100%. though unfortunately i had to take five marks off for vulgar behaviour during class."

"excuse me?! my behaviour has nothing to do with my grade if i got full marks! change it before i give you a new one!"


by the time recess had rolled around, katsuki was already gone. he had dismissed himself from the classroom before the bell had even rung.

he knew this would have happened eventually. but he didn't want it to happen so soon. he.. actually enjoyed shouto's company. and the fact that he wouldn't have it anymore, hurt him.

he sat on the edge of the roof, swinging his legs as he downed his second can of beer of the day. he needed an escape. he promised himself he wouldn't get drunk. but what harm would a few rounds do?

the more and more he drank, the better he felt. he felt.. numb. it was better than whatever the hell he was feeling the whole morning. and by his fifth can, he was definitely at least somewhat tipsy.

even shouto noticed that when he set his bag by the ladder, cautiously walking up to the intoxicated blonde. and it seemed that katsuki had sensed his presence too.

"what do you want, todoroki."

shouto exhaled slowly and sat himself down a metre or two away from the blonde, the simple action causing katsuki's heart to shatter. "i wanted to talk."


"..do you think i'm a monster?"

shouto was surprised, a glint of concern in his eyes as he cautiously watched the inebriated boy to the left of him. "a monster?" katsuki nodded, turning to look at the heterochromatic eyed boy, teary eyed.

"you're scared of me, right? you're scared i'm gonna fuck you up like i did that kid this morning!" katsuki chuckled in a defeated tone, awfully masking his regret and the tears threatening to spill from his waterline.

shouto was shocked. sure, he was somewhat scared of him now, but.. a monster?

"n-no! of course not! i-"

"don't lie to me. it's obvious. i don't even know why you're here! i could throw you off of the side of the building for all you know."

shouto flinched. surely this was the alcohol talking.

"you don't mean that." "you're right. i don't." katsuki wiped his eyes, opening his seventh can of beer. shouto reacted quickly. he snatched the can away from the blonde's bruised hands, throwing it off of the side of the building. "what the fuck! the hell was that fo-"

katsuki tensed up, body frozen in place once he felt shouto hug him tightly. his hands quivered, unsure of how to react. "hug me back." shouto whispered, continuing to keep his head dug in the crook of the blonde's neck.

"i.. i don't want to." shouto pulled away, a slightly hurt expression on his face. "..why?"

"i don't want to hurt you." katsuki whispered, staring down at his hands. they were bruised and cut. they were evidence of the same morning. and he hated it. he had never felt remorse about any of his actions. so why was today different?

shouto took the blonde's hands in his own, pressing a kiss to his bruised knuckles. "you won't. i know you won't. do you want to know why?" katsuki's ears flushed red at the action, staring at the boy with endearment. "..why?"

"because i trust you."

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