Izuku Midoriya First Time

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Pov: third person

After helping bakugo deku's face was all red and flustered and dripping with cum deku ask bakugo if that was all he needed bakugo responded no pulling deku up for a deep and passionate kiss deku did not  refuse to reciprocate the kiss  bakugo started to undress izuku  at first izuku started to to refresh because it was his frist time but bakugo 's perfume side otherwise deku returing to his heat gasping for air    bakugo  proceeded to take is uniform off kiss his neck and pinching niply and biting them izuku moan loud bakugo smark running one of his hand down izuku legs making him hard as a rock

I could feel bakugo hand moving upwards on my leg making me hard it was my first day at Ua and my first heat so I  didn't know what to do so I handed control over to him I looked up at him an nodde. He was very careful preparing me putting one of his fingers in my hole and moveing it around taking it out and putting it in over an over again I moan louder that before

Your moan is so cute I said leaving him even more flustered than before after preparing izuku I kiss his cheek pulling him on top of my lap  putting the head of my cock in slowly going down I couldn't tell if he liked it or not so ask if it OK he nodded his face was all red and flustered so moved a little faster than before thrusting  over an over angin his ass was just so tight it was squeezing my dick so I release some of my perfume to  help him  relax a bit and begin to go fast and fast making izuku cum

Pov: third person
It was about 2 hours after izuku came to the restroom and bakugo was at his limits he thrusted one last time before he cum in izuku the two boys cleaned them self up before going there separate way izuku shouted a thank you at bakugo

Pov :izuku
After we came out of the restroom we both went our separate way I want straight home right away to take a bath I felt uncomfortable after all I was dripping in cum after the bath there was a rapid knock on the door leaving me in Surprise I want over to open it it was my next-door neighbor saying that they were a call for me to go to the hospital so I went immediately after to find my mother in a coma my little brother was crying his eyes out after comforting him for a few minutes he asked what is going to happen to us my eyes widen in fear I manage to fake a smile saying nothing we came home after a while  I put him to sleep and going to my room lock the door and the tears was not stop coming I sat there crying for 5 minutes then remembing what mom said to do if any thing happened to her there was a phone number on the refrigerator so I call the number and explained everything to the lady which said that she was coming tomorrow morning to collect us <the morning >a black Lamborghini pulled up to the apartment to an a very nice look lady came out calling my name we  sat down and talked for a little she said my father is one of the most riches people in Tokyo and my mother run away with us so we could have a normal life away from the rich life and high Society and now that my mother is in a coma my father will have to care for us we pack up a followed the lady who name was Catherine she took us to a modern mansion  it Benin four weeks seen that day and the day bakugo and I have sex  something is wrong lately I have been waking up feeling upset I would puke my stomach out and I'd have a some of the worse mood swing so that same day I walk home not taking the car I stop at a supermarket to buy some pregnancy tests just to see if it was possible after arranging home I greeted everyone and went up to my room at first I was sacred but I need to get the possibility out of my head so I took one of the test which show positives so I took one more which said the same I was so scared that tears was in my eyes

Pov: bakugo
Izuku have been acting weird even seen that day we have sex he has been avoiding I have been  tried to talk to him for over four weeks now and yet he keep avoiding me so I went to his house and nock on the door an old lady came out so I asked to talk to him and the lady leaded me up the stairs to his room she said to going in before leaving I went in to find izuku cry his eyes out I looked at his hands to find 2 positive pregnancy test after he saw me he hid them and asked what I was doing here I couldn't move or say anything for about 1 minute and I managed to ask if he was pregnant by his face expression could tell he was.

sunflower (bakudeku) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora