°*Peaceful World?*°-Ch2-

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My daddy issues are even more present now than ever, heh. I was on the verge of crying or snapping at him, I'm still not sure. Ehe


Since the last chapter was cut short :

As he walks into some small puddle of water, he realizes how fucked up he truly was.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

It's only when he officially had started the corridor(?) between the mount that he sees a wall of stone blocking his path. Well not really because the small road made of hardened sand and rocks continues on top. But he still needed to either climb or find some other weird way of acceding to the top.

He desperately looks around hoping for either a rock or a tree to save him from the climbing process.

But he founds himself stuck, his luck had just run out. Sure, some would say that it run out when he got locked in 'his' prison -it was planned -and others say it's at Quackity's first visit but still it wasn't only his fault.

Inside the prison he was truly defenceless and how is he supposed to fight someone -yes smaller -that had a weapon?

Plus he was tired and the prison wasn't as easy as he wanted it to be. The ground was hard and every movement caused blood to flow out of his body.
The food was limited, and the dispenser rarely dropped enough for his not-so-big appetite -he could go around and practically eat nothing in Manhunt that could last a week -.

Then the child came and kept on winning, insulting and trow in the lava the potatoes Dream gave him -Tommy was lucky he had some reserve in his chest -. Even if it was annoying as fuck, Dream tried his best to keep his calm and manage to spawn a kitty! A smoll ball of fur that didn't know better and kept on approaching him. At least he had something to distract himself from the child in the front of the cell. He could in simply sit in his favourite corner for the time being with a small cat in his lap... Until-

His toughness is broken by a sudden crack of leave. Dream inspects his surrounding to find nothing changed but as a second sound is made he sees a small animal peek at him from the top of the wall of stone.

The little animal is like nothing from his world, it has immense orange ears -for its small body -. Its fur is a mix between the same orange from the ears and a pale looking beige.

At first glance, Dream would have said that it was a cat but now he thinks it's sharing some traits from a small fox too.

The innocent animal has no idea what type of monster Dream is, it is simply curious about the sound he kept making. Like a small call for help from someone with too much ego.

Dream and the cat-fox continue to gaze at each other for a moment. Just as Dream was about to leave the eye contact challenge, he sees a movement from the corner of his eye.

It is a glowing little blue ball with fairy wings going back at forth around some bushes with no cares in this world. With his attention completely captured by this little fairy thing, Dream approaches it with parsimony (with tact).

It does not seem to realize or care about him.

With its pattern in his memory Dream slowly extends his arm to touch the glowing ball only for it to come alive a few centimetres away from his fingers. It imminently got on his left side and try to take him from behind. As Dream twisted himself to face his opponents, he found the fairy thingy simply floating around him.

Enjoying a new pattern, the glowing point continues its way in cercle around him and as Dream tries to touch the fairy, it got through his hand without stopping a second. Surprised, Dream jumps a little from his position.

He wasn't startled by a so petite creature, what are you talking about?

Now that he comes to think of it how did he manage to miss a literal glowing and flying bug? And since when does it glow so much?

Just as Dream says those sentences in his head he realizes his stupidity as the darkness of his environment drastically changed with the sun setting down and saying its last goodbye.

If he had the energy to spare, Dream is sure he would be smashing his head on the rock but right now it's mode survival.

Dream removes his hand from his face. Since when did it get here? Did he seriously lose control of his body that much?...

He needs to re-train in this skill.

As Dream finishes reprimanding himself, he perceives two other fairies a little away from him.

As he was about to touch the last glowing ball, a familiar feeling settles itself.

He could feel the wind as it brushed against his body from his bare foot to his hair starting to act on its own as if gravity didn't exist for it anymore-... oohhh now he remembers where the familiar feeling comes from.

It's the same emotion as when he is doing parkour or simply in a manhunt. When he falls from the highest point to go to the bottom of a cave or in the smallest block of water. As the adrenaline took the side for a moment. As if the time stop for a moment just to watch his clutch.

This feeling, this emotion was practically a part of him, of his personality. Hehe, the good old time.

Just as Dream was enjoying the memories from the past, the wind current stopped producing well wind and broke Dream from his thought. For the seven-hundreds time today,
Dream felt a bit confused for a few seconds to refound his ground.

Dream appends realizing the possibility of the three fairies to make his climbing process easier, he rapidly repeats his past movements.

Like last time, when his finger just bearly brushed against the last glowing ball, it came to life and travelled to his left to continue its path with the other two. When they are officially three they form a triangle with Dream in the center and swirl around him in sync with each other. Then from the ground, a symbol is made and [Anemo] springs from the earth.

Dream can feel the difference of forces on his body clearer than last time. He quickly makes his footing on the wall and starts to escalate the stone.

Slowly but surely, he makes it to the top. He needs to take his breath.

To his displeasure, it seems that the prison has more and more counter effects on his body... He hopes he's gonna be on his ground -or rather on his tree -in no time. Sadly hope is powerful but can't defy reality.

Now that he has time for a little trip in his brain, he is kinda lucky to have the final 'fairy' right in front of the wall of stone. He is also lucky to not have run into any monsters... They would have spawned by now and his presence only should induce them to attack in a group or at least move from the spawning block... Strange. Maybe in this place, they are no monsters? It would make sense or perhaps the monster here doesn't come from the code spawning systems oh so complex from back in his server... Then how would they be made? As far as he knows mobs have no reproduction systems...

Mehhh surely if they didn't attack him while he was unconscious and even more defenceless then now they must not exist.

Seems like a strangely peaceful world...


Finally, as an excuse for not following my saying I made this chapter almost twice the number of words from the first chapter hope you appreciated it!

Dream in Teyvat Yep Thats AllDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora