Chapter 3: Your sweet words make my heart flutter

Start from the beginning

Deep inside, this made Kazuha a bit jealous of his dear friend, he knows that it's not right to feel that type of emotion but... he too wishes he could someday feel that way too.

To care about someone and love them dearly till the end.

When will he experience that feeling?

"He is lucky to have someone he loves".


The time of the party came, and Kazuha and Gorou had arrived at the bar all of them were supposed to meet.

They entered and saw that some of their friends had already arrived.

"You guys made it. Welcome welcome!" Cheered Itto from the table they were sitting on.

"Glad you came." Ayaka said with a smile.

"Hello!" Kokomi greeted excitedly.

Kazuha then noticed that someone was still missing at the table "Hello everyone, I see Thoma and Yoimiya haven't come in yet?"

"Yes, Thoma said he was bringing a friend of his to come and join us, no idea who though" Explained Ayaka "And sadly Yoimiya said she couldn't come because he had to stay and work at the cafe ".

"Oh, that's too bad.." Kazuha commented.

While they were chatting the door at the bar opened making the blond green-eyed boy appear with someone behind him.

Kazuha immediately knew who.



Well that's unexpected.

Somewhat of an awkward silence started to form around the room but was cut of by Thoma.

"You both knew each other?" He asked.

"Ah, yeah, we met not so long ago" Explained Tomo while rubbing the back of his neck.

"I see, that's cool" His friend comments.

"Aha! So this is Thoma's famous secret friend. Name's Itto, nice meeting ya!".

"Hi there, I'm Kokomi and this here is Ayaka" Kokomi says as Ayaka waves.

"It's very nice to meet all of you, my name is Tomo". He responded with a smile.

All the friends were now seated around the table chatting, laughing and drinking.

After a while they were busy playing around and being silly but Tomo took it as a chance to begin a conversation with the young white-haired boy.

"Honestly, I didn't expect I would see you here." Tomo said to Kazuha who was seating next to him.

"Me neither, maybe fate just wants for us to cross paths" He teases a bit with a small smirk. "But don't take me wrong, I don't mind having you as company. "

"That's make me glad, I kinda thought that I was a bother to you..."

"Why is that?" Kazuha asks a bit surprised.

"Well, I don't know, guess because I'm just a loser?"

"Tomo, I know you're not a loser, don't call yourself that. It's silly to say it when I don't know you that much but I want to and I want us to become friends."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2022 ⏰

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