
17 1 0

My Name is Len Anda, a Multi Media Art student of Peace Arts College. I'm 18 years old, and I'm taken. My girlfriend's name is Carrie Reon, 17 year old Visual Art student.

1 year and 11 months ago, we met in the cafeteria by bumping each other, but of course our food went to the air. The worst part: it landed only on her. So, by apologizing, I washed her clothes after school and that started our friendship. After months pass, She confess me to me that She want to go out with me. I said yes, and that was our start.

After school, we went to a mall, karaoke, and all kinds of places. So that we can date. Not single once we fight, we are always happy to see each other. Even there are club activities, we date after the activities even if the night fall. We can't stop seeing each other. Carrie is the only girl that I want to be with....

But everything change........

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