"Y'know a mole. A traitor in a way." He says and I nod.

"How did you become a mole?" I ask and he sighs.

"I didn't have a quirk... and my mother looked everywhere to help me..." he trails off and I nod.

"Ok?" I lean forward after a few minutes of silence.

"Eventually she found someone who could help... He had a quirk that gave him the ability to give and take people's quirks." he smiles.

"When we went to visit him I was scared... he was kinda intimidating." I look at Yuga when he stops talking.

"What did he look like?" I ask and he thinks for a second.

"He had on this suit, and a weird-looking mask..." he trails off and I nod.

"He went by the name All for One," he states and my eyes widen, that name sounded so familiar.

But where have I heard it?

"He gave me a quirk, with a price..." he looked at me.

"He wanted me to try my best to get into U.A." My eyes widened.

"That school that's super hard to get into?? Did you get in??" I ask and he nods.

"I did, and I got my orders the next day. He told me he wanted intel on the heroes and the things they were planning. Which wasn't difficult to get being a student of the top class." he smiles.

"Did anyone know?" I ask.

"Well, they started getting suspicious because of me the villains knew where they were at all times." I nod as he finishes his sentence.

"Do you like doing what you do? Being a mole, or villain I mean." I ask and he shrugs.

"The pay is good but other than that it's ok... I mean, betraying my friends isn't fun at all but I'm sure they don't like me much anyways." he looks down and I laugh.

"How couldn't they like you?? You are awesome Yuga, yeah you can be a little much... but that takes getting used to!" I reassure him with a smile and stand.

"I guess they can't handle my inability to stop twinkling!"

We both laugh.

"Well, tell me if you want his information," Yuga says and I nod.

"Ok, I'm tired so I think I'm gonna crash" I yawn, he nods saying good night and I head off to bed.

That night I couldn't stop thinking about the name he gave me.

"All for One..." I mutter to myself quietly trying to remember why he sounds so familiar.

Suddenly I realize how I know that name.

"Of course, it's because of my dirtbag father..." I mutter, slowly drifting to sleep.

*Start of Flashback*

"Did you get what I asked for Michio? I hear a deep voice ask my father who hands him a strange black briefcase.

I was hiding in the closet in my fathers' office.

I wasn't supposed to be in there, and I knew that.

If I had listened I wouldn't be overhearing this conversation between the strange man and my father.

But alas I was a rebellious child and didn't listen.

Earlier that day my father had taken my favorite toy and hidden it in his office.

I was looking for it until I heard my dad entering the room.

Unaware of the fact that I was hiding in his closet.

"Of course Boss, would I let you down?" I hear my father ask the man.

I hear a deep chuckle, and I peek out of the crack in the closet doors.

"Of course not, you are my best prodigy, a wonderful partner, and an even better man. It's a shame you don't have a better life than the one you are living.."

I see my dad look down as the man finishes speaking.

"Well everyone in the League will have a better life once the world knows your name." I hear my dad exclaim.

"Yes of course." I watch as the man opens the briefcase and I see a bunch of pictures and files.

"With everyone getting older and losing strength we need new people... you are sure these people will be it?" he asks and my father nods.

"Yes, I've done my research on each of them learning things such as their quirks, their family, the trouble they have been in, their home life, and their age." My father finishes proudly, as I am trying to look at the pictures.

I see a boy with green hair and a wide grin with the word "Quirkless" across his picture, a boy with cerulean eyes, and a crusty-looking kid with blue hair.

I try to peek at the other pictures, but the man closes the briefcase.

"And how exactly do we get them to join?" The man asks my father and he thinks for a second.

"I'll text you the details on the specific ones, but I figure it won't be hard especially if we welcome them with open arms. A Lot of the recruits have some sort of trauma or hard past..." My dad explains and the man nods.

"Sounds good! Nice work Michio'' I see my dad grin.

"Soon enough everyone will know the name All for One!" He exclaims and they both start laughing.

"You work so hard Michio, I've decided... I want you to have a better life..." All for One states after a few minutes.

"What do you mean Boss?" My dad asks and All for one hands him a packet.

"I want you to leave the league... all you need is in that envelope, what you do is up to you," All for one says and my dad looks down.

"Are you sure...?" he asks, looking up at the man.

"Yes, you've done well... Now, live your life out happily." He replies and my dad smiles.

"Thank you, I won't forget this!" My dad looks happily at the envelope.

"You're welcome my friend, now I'm afraid I have a business to attend to, we may meet again.." I watch as the man leaves, and my dad follows behind.

*End of Flashback*

I wake up quickly, the memory fading in the back of my mind.

"All for one... was my fathers Boss..."

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