Chapter 10: Travel.

Start from the beginning

She quickly backed away while covering her perfect shaped eyebrows with her hood "It's not my fault, you and mom spoiled him too much. Now he doesn't even care if I give him a threat about me reporting everything to you both!"

The couple sighed while massaging their temples before Y/f could speak again "And what about his mother, didn't she spoil you too much by fulfilling every wish of yours since your diaper days?"

Y/n huffed before crossing her arms over her chest and pouting "It's not my fault if he dared me to go to the farmhouse with them!"

"Then it's our fault, right?" Y/m finally uttered something, making Y/f's chest even more braod by being in his favour.

"Anyways, even if I'm not really ok with this farmhouse thingy, make sure to stay safe and sticked to the boys. Don't argue with him and clean correctly the farmhouse."

Y/n smiled and nodded and her father finally smiled at her cuteness. "My chubby baby!" He pulled her cheeks and giggled before they all could dig again in their food.


"Take care of yourselves and especially Y/n, she is really sensitive when it comes to long road trips!" Aera said as the boys walked out of the house with their suitcases.

Taehyung rolled his eyes at his mother's comment "Ok, we understood!" She chuckled then closed the door after throwing to her sons a big flying kiss.

Jungkook put both of their suitcases in the car's trunk and sat on the back seat as Taehyung sat on the driver seat.

"Why not beside me?" The blue haired guy asked while buckling his seat belt and the younger replied "A long ass travel on only one seat, no thanks!"

Taehyung scoffed "Don't worry, the half of the travel, you will be the one to drive. I will not drive this shit for 8 hours straight!"

"Yeah yeah, whatever!" Said Jungkook before making himself comfortable onto his seat, hovering the hood over his head.

Taehyung huffed and drove off to Y/n's house, to pick her up. Excitement rushed through his body as soon as her house was in the sight.

"This is gonna be fun." He said to himself while parking the car in front of her gate before giving a long horn, as a sign of arrival.

Meanwhile, Y/n jolted up from her seat and looked toward her parents who were also there, scanning her actions.

"I guess that they are here." Y/f said and she smiled awkwardly before going to him and hugging him "I'll come back in 2 weeks."

"Means the whole school's break?" Y/m asked in disbelief and Y/n hugged her "Yeah but don't worry, I already did my homework."

They both shook their heads at her, she always found a way to avoid their scolding.

With that she grabbed her suitcase and walked out of the house, with her parents waving at her and closing the main door after her.

They looked at each other and started to dance excitedly "Finally some privacy!" Y/f exclaimed before hugging his wife by her waist and she just scoffed, trying to hide her shyness.

Soon Y/n put her suitcase in the car trunk before sitting at the back seats, beside Jungkook.

"Long time no see." Taehyung smirked while looking at her through the rear view mirror. She looked back and smiled sarcastically "It was only 15 hours ago when I saw this ugly face of yours."

Taehyung scoffed and was about to reply when suddenly the mint haired guy spat at them "Oh just shut up! 8 fucking hours of travel with both of you bickering, I better jump off from a cliff!"

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