{Sagiri Mountain}

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Y/N's POV:

We are on Sagiri Mountain for Tanjiro to train. Right now we are at Urokodaki's house- we'll me because Tanjiro was taken up to the mountain to do some training I believe.

<Time Skip>

I was laying down on a bed ready to fall asleep. Before I fell asleep I heard a faint voice "congratulations Tanjiro, I accept you as my student now til the final selection starts." That's when I fall into a deep sleep for a very long time.

Tanjiro's POV:

Mr. Urokodaki told me to continue going down the mountain and try avoiding the traps more. The traps gotten more harder to avoid tho. So far I've been dodging traps all over the mountain for a month now. I've gotten better at doing this more and getting fast down the mountain.

That's until a huge log hit me and fell into a hole. 'Damn. My back' I groaned while getting up and out of the hole "ok let's not get to cocky I still have a lot to learn" l mumbled to myself. I continued running down the mountain some traps got me but I only got a few bruises and cuts. Nothing major.

I got down the mountain and saw Mr. Urokodaki and a sleeping y/n 'why hasn't she woken up now. Ok no need to freak out maybe she just needs rest from that last demon.' I was doing my adventure in my journal, like a diary that I just need to get of my chest.

Next Day:>

"Now you will learn to be more flexible and to able to react in times during battle" Mr. Urokodaki said "you will come and attack me will I dodge and we will do this for three months straight." " yes sir" we both came into position to train. I made the first move by throwing my fist but he dodged it, we did this for hours and I still didn't land a hit. I keep on getting flipped over and over.

<Time Skip>

Mr. Urokodaki brought me to this waterfall and stand next to it on a a cliff " you will concentrate one with the water" "ok how will I do that?" I questioned " like this."

He Kicked me Off the Cliff.


"AHHHHHHHHHH" I yelled landing in the water "*cough* *cough*" coughing and trying to catch dem air.

"Focus. Go under the waterfall and meditate" Mr. Urokodaki shouted from the cliff. As I did went under the waterfall I sat on a rock.

I concentrated by clearing my mind and focus on my surroundings. I can hear the little details of nature.

After meditating Mr. Urokodaki said that I should practice my breathing. We both went up the mountain. "So what exactly am I suppose to do" I questioned him "Because in order for you to be a demon slayer you have to know a breathing technique, only a a type of sword can kill off a demon. Along with the sun" he continued "but in order to be able to use a breathing technique, you need to control and concentrate on your breathing. Now take a deep breath."

I did as I was told, taking a deep breath. But right in the middle for taking a deep breath Mr. Urokodaki punched me in the chest. "*Cough* *cough* WHY DID YOU DO THAT!" "Because you are doing it wrong. Try again" I take another deep breath. Hit in the chest. "No again" deep breath "again." We did this for a while and my chest starting to throb. "Remember during meditating under the waterfall? Well that feeling and warmth, use that to your advantage and think about just that and take a calm deep breath."

"Alright" I completely did as told, imagine that feeling I had when I felt all natural around me. I take a calm breath, and prepared for another fist hitting my chest but it never came. "Very good. You will start to use a sword. But for now you will rest." And with that we went down the mountain to rest.

I then thanked Mr. Urokodaki for the training and went in the room where y/n and I slept in. "Y/n, please wake up soon" I whispered. I had negative thoughts about y/n 'what if she doesn't wake up' or 'what if im all by myself' those thoughts came running around in my head. But I had to trust the proses of what y/n is doing.

I got ready for bed but after I gave a pat on y/n's head, because she loves getting patted on head and hugs but I can't do that right now tho. That's when I went to bed falling it darkness and emptiness.


Sorry if I wasn't posting a lot, sense school started and im getting nervous. So hope you understand. Byeeee.

( ̄¬ ̄)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2022 ⏰

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