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Female !

1. Iris. greek. "message" 

2. Isolde. welsh, german. "ice ruler" 

3. Imogen. celtic gaelic. "maiden" 

4. Ines/Inez. german, french. "pure, virginal" 

5. Ianthe. greek. "purple flower" 

6. Ivy. english. "flower of fidelity" 

7. Ilaria. italian. "joyous" 

8. Iolanthe. greek. "violet flower" 

9. Imperia. latin. "imperious, imperial" 

10. Invidia. latin. "to look against, envious"

Male !

1. Ignatius. latin. "fiery, infernal" 

2. Icarus. greek. "follower"

3. Immanuel. german. "god is with us" 

4. Inigo. basque. "fiery" 

5. Irimias. hebrew. "appointed" 

6. Ivair. scottish (from the welsh "Ifor"). "yew" 

7. Ivor. scottish (from the welsh "Ifor"). "yew" 

8. Ivan. russian (from the english "William"). "god is gracious" 

9. Israfael. hebrew. "trumpeter, song" 

10. Isidore. greek. "gift of the goddess isis" 

Gender-neutral !

1. Indigo. greek. "colour name" 

2. Idris. irish. "fiery lord, prophet" 

3. Inspiration. latin, english. "inspiration" 

4. Iovita. latin. "devoted to jupiter" 

5. Io. greek. "white heifer" 

6. Indy. various. "diminutive of indiana, indigo, etc." 

7. Ivory. english. "pale, white" 

8. n/a

9. n/a

10. n/a

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2022 ⏰

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