
Começar do início

"Are they good enough though?" He thought to himself.

They seemed kinda ugly to Mui. A light blue oversized hoodie with some silly patterns, and a pair of black baggy jeans. And also some random necklaces. Not so ugly at all, yet not enough for Muichiro.

He just felt so ugly.

"Well screw it. I'll run out of time soon anyways." Muichiro mumbled quietly.

After finally getting ready Mui left the bathroom and decided to see what's up with that smell.

After entering the kitchen, he was greeted by his mum and warm breakfast waiting just for him.

"Oh, hi mum." He said. "I forgot to tell you that I'll be going out soon."

"And where are you going?" Mui's mum smiled at him.

"I promised my.. uhm. ..Friend to spend some time together."

"Ooh is it a girl??" His mum smirked.

"No." Muichiro responded with a bored voice, without showing any emotions. He was trying his best to hide his true emotions. He was kinda used to it anyways so it wasn't that hard at all.

"Alright alright.. I'll stop. Now eat your food before it gets cold." She ordered.

After doing what he was told to do, Muichiro went back to his room.

And it was 9a.m already?? Well that meant that he had to hurry.

But what else did he need for the upcoming "date" with Genya.?

That was exactly the thing that he feared the most. Of course he had to forget something.

"Hmm.. What could it be?" Mui thought.

Right! How could he forget about packing his things?

"Ahh I feel so stupid now.." He mumbled.

Then Mui got up and grabbed a random backpack that somehow was laying under his bed, and packed his things such as; his phone, some money, and his beloved headphones.

And now it was time for the most difficult task.. Mui had to find his skates in his dusty basement which was full of spiders. And let's just say that Mui wasn't a big fan of spiders. But ice skating with Genya was definitely worth going to that basement.

But then he had a nice idea..

"YUIII!!!" He screamed, although he didn't know if his twin brother will even hear him.

"IF YOU WANT SOMETHING FROM ME THEN COME HERE!" He heard Yuchiro's angry voice.

It looked like Mui didn't have any choice, so he went to talk to his twin brother.

After getting this shit done💀💀

"I think that I'm ready.?" Mui thought.

Everything seemed to be in the right place. Almost everything from Muichiro's to do list was done. But he still felt like he was forgetting something.

Well he kinda felt like this all of the time so he decided to ignore that feeling.

Time skip to when Mui arrived😭

"FINALLY!!" Mui thought to himself while looking for Genya in the crowd of people on the street that he was currently on. Of course he had to mess up something. This time he got on a wrong bus and it took him definitely too much time to find the right bus and get here. Hopefully he wasn't late which was a good thing.

And after a while Mui's phone rung.

It was Genya.

"Hey! Are you here yet?" Genya asked.

One more minute? // GenmuiOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora