II- The Red Room

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(Russian in italics)
Hydra facility December 3, 2008

Svetlanna and Sashenka have been living in the Hydra facility for four years now. Three of those years have been spent with their Papa.

The Winter Solider has lived up to his promise to keep them safe, and also taught them a lot of things along the way. He potty trained them, told them some of the many rules around the facility, taught them to read, and how to speak Russian, and English. Teaching Svetlanna was a lot harder because she can't hear. He was able to teach her how to read lips so she can understand others. She did also pick up talking, and can have a simple conversation, with few mistakes.

The solider has just returned from a week long mission, and the girls are over joyed to see him.

"Papa!" The girls scream in unison.
"Hello my little princesses," the solider responded.

Even though he is exhausted from his mission, he will always have enough energy to give the girls his attention.

"Look what I drew Papa!" As Sashenka shoved a crumpled piece of paper, with a bunch of scribbles on it, in her Papa's face. "That is so lovely Sashka," the soldiers comment made the girl giggle while giving him a toothy grin.

The solider tapped on Svetlanna's shoulder so she would give him her attention. "Did you draw anything Svetla?" He questioned the other little girl.
"I drew flower Papa," Svet said, while showing him the picture, sounding, and looking, very proud of herself.
"It is very beautiful Svetla."

Moments later four Hydra guards come to the cell and open it so they can enter. Without saying anything they walk in and each take an arm of the girls.
"Papa?" They both question at the same time, worry filled in their voices.
"What are you doing with them?" The solider questions the guards.
"Superiors orders," the first guard begins.
" They are being transferred to The Red Room Academy." Was the only information given before they dragged two crying girls away from their Papa.

The solider tried to follow but was cut of by another group of guards.

The guards dragged Svetlanna and Sashenka to the front of the building where an all to familiar truck was parked.

They were thrown into the back where four more guards were sitting, armed with guns and knives, incase someone decides to misbehave....

Both girls sat silently in between two guards, and across from the other two.

After a very long road trip, neither girl could tell how long it actually was, but it felt like a long time being in a truck with guns pointed their way. They eventually made it to The Red Room.

Madame B. was waiting at the front door to greet them alongside Ivan.

"Hello girls, you can call me Madame, you will be staying here for a little while."

The girls looked at the older women with frightened expressions.

"No need to be frightened little ones. We will take excellent care of you." The madame reassured them.

"This is Ivan, he will be working with you during your time here." Ivan looked down at them with a stern expression on his face.The girls looked up at him with a scared expression on their faces.

"Come along now girls, allow me to show you to your dormitory. There are some other girls there your age."

The girls followed the madame into the building, and up many flights of stairs. About 10 minutes later they finally reached their destination, the dormitory's.

As they entered, 26 other girls their age were already in there sitting silently, and terrified on their beds.

The madame shoved them in and then locked the door behind them.

Later at dinner, all 28 girls were sat at one big table together. The food looked like wet cement, but their only other choice was to starve.

After forcing down the 'food', the girls were sent back to the dormitory.

They all changed in to matching white night gowns. Then we're locked in handcuffs to their beds.

Please come get me Papa.

What did I do?

Why am I here?

While Svet was lying awake in her bed wishing she was with her Papa, Sashka is sound asleep dreaming about being with her Papa, Mama, and sister.

Even though the girl did not know her mother, she always fantasized about what she would look like, or how she would act.

Eventually Svet doze off to sleep, along with any other girl that happened to be up at this hour.


Sorry for all the time skips:)
Just know there will be more bc I want to get to the good part of the story, which involves the girls being older. I haven't fully decided how I am going to write thh them being older, or how the story will work out so stand by:)
Hope you enjoyed this chapter anyways<3

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