August 21, 2022

16 1 1

Marian woke up, a yawn escaping her lips as she stretched her limbs, making sure she was ready for the day.

It was her birthday! And she was ready for everyone to greet her.

She quickly jumped out of bed, and went to her phone, going to where she was the most popular on, until she saw a message.

*_____'s birthday is gonna be re-celebrated today, as her birthday wasn't properly done.*

Marian's face dropped.

It was her cousin's time to shine again!

Ah.. uhmm.. That's..

..Alright, she guesses, she bets everyone would still greet her as much as they greeted her cousin.

She spent her hours playing in her Computer as she waited for the time to come to her Cousin's birthday.

She had told everyone she made friends with that it was her birthday, and she had a few greets. She thought it was good enough as they can't possibly do anything other than greet her, so she just let it slide.

As time went by, it was finally time for her family to go to their cousin's birthday, she was excited.

Especially since it was her favorite cousin, she felt happy for her.

They arrived at the house and they all scamper in, talking to each other as they waited for it to finally be dinner.

Dinner arrived and they all say their prayers and they all ate happily.

Greets were thrown at her, which made her very shy, but happy at the same time.

Marian hated that..

It was HER birthday, Not her cousin's, Her Cousin's birthday had already passed, It was Marian's turn to have the spotlight.

She shook it off, and walked to a area where it was only her and her siblings.

Her dumb brother had always tried to  fuck her up as he tried announcing it was her birthday, but she kept retorting that she would punch him in the face.

In total? There were only 12 people who greeted her.

Well, Isn't that great?

..yeah, It's.. great.

It totally didn't make her upset that not many people she was close with remembered.

She just shook it off, as she walked away, her shoulders lumped over as she over thought.

They're all close to her, they're her family and they should.. remember.. right?

Uhm.. I guess that day was full of failed hope.

What a Disappointment.

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