Your POV

I was walking with Asahi in the corridor and i remembered something and said " Ah Teddy-san you brought some clothes for me in the morning right" he replied" yes Y/n " i said " can I take them to the store please your clothes are really comfy and Uki-nii will probably bring his clothes tomorrow" he chuckled a bit and said " sure y/n after all i brought them for you" i gave him a very big smile and said " thank you " he said " no problem y/n can you wait at the main door while i am bringing clothes from the club room" i said " sure " and i took off for the main door.

~Time skip brought you by me waiting at the main door ~

" Ah Asahi i am here " soon Asahi came and we started moving to our destination. There was a comfortable silence between us ( only for me not Asahi ) . Soon Asahi broke the silence and speak " Sooo Y/n why was principal was terrified after knowing that you slept alone at club room " i replied " It's actually I cannot sleep alone without my teddy bear and i am afraid of darkness due to some incident i experienced kinda childish ha" i smiled akwardly he immediately replied" it's not childish y/n everyone have their fears like i always freak out when i see my opponents " i giggled a bit and said " no way you look so strong and tough " he also started laughing and said " i only look like that from outside do you know what my friends call me " i said " what " he replied" glass heart " i said " it sounds like a princess " and we both started laughing . We were enjoying each other company but as the saying goes that everything has a end our destination was in front of us i wanted to spend some more time with him but he have to go to school we said our goodbyes to each other and i went inside the store .  

Asahi POV

The walk ended so soon i  wanted to spend some more time with y/n . She is the first girl who is not afraid of me and she have even gave me cute nickname i remembered her calling my name and my face went tomato red . What's happening to me i don't know but one thing is sure i want to protect y/n . But i don't understand one thing why is principal caring about her this much. Just who is she.

Ukai Keishin POV

The door of the store opened and i was expecting a customer but there was no one but one and only troublemaker y/n . I sighed and asked " how do you know my store is here " she said " Teddy-san showed me " i said " and his school " she said " Ah uncle karasuno gave him permission to leave his first period"  i sighed again and said " i think you might go to principal's house " she replied " i am not leaving you this easily Uki-nii " i told her " ok so you sit there quietly while i am doing my work and have you eaten something " she replied" no i haven't eaten since yesterday or day before yesterday actually i don't remember " i said " oh so you have not eaten since yesterday WHHAAT YOU HAVE NOT EATEN SINCE YESTERDAY HOW ARE EVEN ABLE TO WALK" she replied" Ah probably habit " i got frustrated at the thought that how can they do something like this to a child i said in a soft voice " okay but you should eat y/n here take some meatbuns " her eyes sparkled at the mention of meatbuns and she sat at the corner and started to eat her buns who will thought that this girl is the Princess of Japan. After finishing her bun she went to bathroom to change her clothes that she borrowed from Asahi and came to me and said " so when i will start working " i said " today you will only observe me " she replied " Hai hai sir " whole day she observed me carefully and now it was night time we ate our dinner and i called mom that i will be staying at store tonight . Y/n went to sleep very early and i stayed up till 10 pm it's wierd that the boys in volleyball team didn't came today i think they have already found . I sighed i think i am sighing more often after y/n came i heard a soft crying and i know from where it is coming i went to the room and saw y/n trembling and crying i went near and sat down beside her i said in a soft tone " hey y/n i am here so don't be afraid" she said nothing and came near to me and hugged my arm and after few minutes she stopped trembling and crying. ( For your kind information it's just a brother sister relation so don't get any wrong idea's). I stayed beside her until she fall asleep and went to sleep .

Next  Morning

Your POV

I woke up at 5 am and went out of my room and i saw Uki-nii sleeping at the door i said " Oh my Uki-nii why are you sleeping here " he opened his eyes and said " Ah i think that you will wake up and start crying again so i stayed here " i was really touched i said " then why didn't you sleep with me " he replied " Baka you are a girl and i am boy so we can't sleep together" i replied " but I slept with Teddy-san" he said " Oh god it's very hard to make you understand" i said " by the way can you give me a toothbrush and a comb " he said "ok wait a minute " he brought the said items and i went to bathroom to fresh up . I came back and shouted " OK SO KARASUNO NEW ASSISTANT COACH IS READY "  he was shocked and said " what you become the assistant coach" i replied " yes i know i am awesome " he sighed and went to bathroom. I went to his room and i saw the one and only coach's clothes i grabed them and started to change and go out of the room . Uki-nii came out of the bathroom and said (kinda shouted)

Author's note

– when y/n is in serious mode than it means she is actually using her brain and she only uses her brain when it's a very serious situation.
– she is usually serious in her house except when she is alone with Vlad.
– Ukai knows about Y/n past and she trusts him very much
– Principal is like a father figure for y/n he often came to y/n house with coach Ukai because he cared for y/n very much
– the whole volleyball team is thinking how they should address y/n now except Tsukishima

I do not own haikyuu and and any of the characters except y/n

Hope you like the story^__^

2183 words

Asahi Azumane Love Story ( Haikyuu X Reader )Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя