[21] We need to talk...

Start from the beginning

Y/N stood in front of him with her mouth open.

„What?" he asked her in concern.

„Did you realize what just happened?" she asked with a big smile on her face.

„No?! I have no idea what you mean." he answered and seemed to be very confused.

„You freaking raised your hip on your own. You're sitting here with only boxers. That's amazing, Seb" she leaned down and gave him a kiss as realization hit him.

„Yeeeeeah. I did this. Holy shit, remember I was not able to do anything two days ago. That's so cool. Hope my recovery will continue to be that fast." he smiled with pride on his face.

She gave him a high five and they laughed before y/n went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

She prepared waffle batter and chopped some blue- and strawberries aside with whipped cream and vanilla ice. She definitely wanted to spoil Sebastian. Before she was able to put the first bunch of batter into the waffle iron Sebastian screamed her name out of the bathroom. Looked like he was done freshening up.

She went to the bathroom and saw him with soaking wet hair and still wet upper body.

„I couldn't move properly to dry my hair and the towel hurt on my stomach" he whined and pouted.

„Ohhhhh poor Seb." she said before she grabbed the towel and dried his hair carefully. Afterwards she caressed with her fingers over his scalp - like she did on their first (well technically second) meeting in Atlanta. He purred and let out a quiet moan that send shivers down y/n's spine.

For a short moment she just wanted to have sex with him but there was no way that would work without killing Seb.

She needed to wait. Unfortunately.

Then she carefully went around to kneel in front of Sebastian. She quickly pulled off the plasters and dabbed the water drops on his bare chest with the towel. She could hear him inhale sharply while trying to be cool and not show off his pain.

When she was done she looked closely at the wounds and observed the full-upper-body-bruise on his left side. Its color had changed within the last days. The center was still dark blue and almost black but in the area around the center the bruise was green and even a mixture of light orange and yellow on the outside.

„See you have a rainbow on your abdomen" she chuckled. Sebastian looked down his upper body and saw the different shades of colors. Normally he prevented to look at his stomach, because it reminded him of everything he was not able to do.

But it indeed looked funny with all the black, blue, green, orange and yellow. He wondered how the bruise would change within the next days.

Y/N put on some brand new plasters before helping him change his boxers. As he was able to stand for a longer time than 2 seconds now, a few things already were easier for her. And it was only day two!

She got him a fresh grey sweatpants as well as a black shirt with „Motley Crue" on it that he got on the press tour for „Pam & Tommy".

They both made their way to the living room where y/n placed Sebastian on the couch before heading back to the kitchen to finish baking the waffles.

A few minutes later she entered the living room with two plates full of waffles and placed them on the coffee table. As Sebastian was not able to lean forward to eat, she placed his plate on his thighs where he could eat easily.

They ate in silence - both munching on the delicious waffles.

Sebastian's phone buzzed and he looked on the message he got.

Heartbeats 💕[Sebastian Stan x female reader]Where stories live. Discover now