Nergi Mama

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I wrote this at almost two in the morning one day what am I doing (sleep can wait but my love for this man can't)

Cheval hadn't expected to see this today. Not in his whole lifetime, even. No, not a single soul would expect to see someone fawning over a nearly fully grown nergigante in the distance. At first, he panicked, but when he caught sight of the kinship stone on their wrist, he relaxed.

Should he approach them?

Before he could come to a decision, Rathi pushes him forward, her face not-so-gently nudging him toward the figure.


You, on the other hand, were also shocked. You hadn't expected to find anyone else, let alone another rider, out in Terga. It was usually barren, person-wise. So, when someone let out a surprised cry, you were both confused and on the defensive. Did hunters finally catch wind of your little baby? The prospect frightened you more than anything.

However, your terror is short-lived upon sighting a male with a rathian. Relief flooded you, and you sighed, tension easing. The adolescent wyvern behind you let his spikes relax — you hadn't even realized his spines had risen, and it seemed neither did he.

"Hi!" You called with a wave, catching his attention the moment his pure red hair caught the setting sun's rays. You noted how shiny it was — he took good care of himself.

"Hello!" Cheval responded, blinking in puzzlement at his sudden eagerness. Did he really miss other people's company that much? Scratch that; how long had he been out here? Rathi huffs, a small spurt of flames puffing from her nostrils. He jogged over to you, quickly taking note of the petite feminine figure before him.

Then again, even he would look tiny standing next to a nergigante.

"I didn't think I'd find another rider out here," you laughed.

"Neither did I," Cheval admitted. "Certainly not a nergigante rider, either." Said monstie snorted in reply, standing closer to you defensively.

"It's okay, sweetie," you soothed, petting your monstie's head reassuringly. Cheval blinked — that was new. The nergi growled but stood down. Rathi attempted to move closer, but he snarled, so she stopped. "Shh, relax," you murmured. Turning your attention to Cheval, you apologize. "Sorry. He's not used to others yet."

"No, no, it's fine!" He assured understandingly. "Oh, I'm Cheval, by the way."

"I'm (Name)." Taking a quick glance at the sky, you offered, "Hey, wanna join us for camp tonight?"

"Sure, if you'll have us."

"Of course, of course!"

• • • • •

It was harder to set up camp than usual since your nergi was hyperfocused on keeping between Cheval and yourself. It was amusing at first, but then it slowly became irritating.

"C'mon, sweetheart, don't be like this!" You chided. "I know I said he's not used to others yet, and while it's not wrong, it's not really the truth, either." Cheval arched a brow. "He also really doesn't like other guys. Thinks he's protecting me or something."

"Really? Is that all?" He chuckled. "You made it sound so ominous."

You sighed. "I can't help but feel it's my fault, though. I baby him too much. I just can't help it!"

"Raising a monstie can be hard," Cheval reasoned. "Especially since it's hard to not feel the need to be such a doting parent. We're there before they've even hatched."

"I know. It's just..." You trailed off, but Cheval waited patiently. "It's just that every time he growls at someone, snaps at another monstie, raises his spikes at someone else... I can't help but feel I've failed him as both a rider and a mother. If only I'd done better, y'know?"

"Don't be so hard on yourself," he started.

"If I'm not, then who will be? Someone needs to keep me in line, teach me to be better, especially since I haven't even been a rider for very long."

He slowly exhaled through his nose. "Don't beat yourself up for things you can't control. He's going to do what he does. You can only guide him onto the proper path. And if he's your first monstie, of course you're having trouble. A nergigante isn't easy to raise at all. Actually, what even possessed you to take on such a challenge?"

"I know, I know! It's just that...he was all alone. His nest was empty, and his momma wasn't gonna come back. She, you know." He nodded. "I couldn't just leave the poor thing!"

"Still," Cheval admonished. "Inexperience doesn't just hurt you. It's not good for him, either."

"I know," you said, voice much quieter. "I don't know what to do anymore." You leaned against the rock behind you, softly sighing.

"Sorry if I was too harsh," Cheval said.

"Nah." You shook your head, a small smile on your face. "You're just saying what needs to be said."

"Still. Sometimes I don't realize if I'm being too blunt."

"Hey, bluntness is okay. If you're too nice all the time, some people just won't listen." You shrugged. "Especially the ones who need to hear it the most."

He let out an airy laugh that made you feel warmer than the fire did. He must've been popular with the ladies, huh? "Not a lot of people are brave enough to admit that." You waved him off dismissively. Cheval turned to Rathi, who was curled up beside him. The only indication of her alertness was her opened eyes. "Every rider's path is different. I can't tell you where to go and how to do it; that's for you and your partner to decide." He pet her gently, and she leaned into his touch. "Nobody's perfect, especially not me. It's never easy, either, but we make it because we give it our all."

"You and Rathi have had it pretty rough, huh?" You leaned forward again, elbows resting on your knees with your hands laced under your chin.

His golden eyes widened, and you pretended not to marvel at their beautiful color.

"How could you tell?"

"You just scream 'emotional baggage'," you snorted. "No offense, of course."

"None taken. Most people don't even notice. It's nice to know someone can see I'm just as flawed as everyone else." Cheval huffed. "Going into town and being fawned over was never my thing."


Silence settled over the camp as you nudged some of the kindling with a stick. The fire crackled in response, sparks bouncing up. Cheval watched you quietly, the way your eyes followed the flames, how your brows knitted in thought. It helped that the firelight's glow was flattering.

You could feel his gaze on you, but you said nothing, merely listening to the soft snoring of your nergi behind you. He always did get to sleep before you.

You stood abruptly. "I should turn in. I'll be in my tent if you need me." He nodded, and you slunk off like a dejected animal. Cheval decided he didn't like that look on you. He stole a glance at the nergigante, and his gaze softened.

"Rathi," he said. She looked at him curiously. "I want to help them." The rathian snorts. "What?" She gave him a knowing look. "There's no way you predicted that." He playfully nudged her, and she let out a strange, warbling growl that was probably meant to be a chuckle.

You stood inside your tent, letting a tiny grin ghost across your face. Maybe you wouldn't mind having a traveling companion.

I should stop writing when I'm tired.

And no, I'm not laughing at the fact Cheval ends up with the nergi sword and shield at the end of the game. That'd be morbid.
I swear. 👊😔

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