The Morning

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Chapter 2:

"Raquelle Avery Montague!Why exactly is Carson here!?"a very shocked and startled loud voice interrupted my cozy sleep.God,people just loved butting into my beauty sleep,huh?

I blearily rubbed my eyes,and sat up.My eyes focused in on a very disgruntled Mom,who looked like she had just woken up and didn't take it well that I was sleeping with a boy.Carson....

Aw,hot damn crap.

I forgot all about the idiot hothead,and I faced him now.He was curled up in my covers,a babyish content look on his face.No fair,he didn't have a morning head or eyes,or anything remotely unpretty.I would say he looked adorable,except that would just be degrading the whole effect I wanted.

I repeatedly slapped my palms across Carson's poor face,until he smacked them away and rushed to sit up."Owww,"he groaned.I smirked,ha!The effects of a morning head rush.And the power of slapping.

Mom still looked quite...bewildered,and she folded her arms."Missy,you better explain yourself.And clearly.Did you two have sex?Are you in a relationship?"she demanded.

I cringed at the thought.Call me immature,but that was just another weirdly disturbing thought.Sex with him?I don't think so.Carson appeared to have the same look on as I do,because he apologetically looked at Mom.

"I am very sorry,Mrs.Montague.I just had some trouble Raquelle was being a nice friend.Will you forgive me?I didn't make any move towards your daughter,I was cold so we um,snuggled."he very convincingly put.I wanted to scream at Mom to not believe his innocent façade(because God knows he's not),but at the same time,this is my reputation that's hanging by the line,for Pete's sake.I'll just let it pass this once....

Mom's expression had melted a little,as she cooed to Carson."Aw,hon,of course I'll forgive you!We have all the proof to trust and believe you!"

Aw great.Just another of the many who had fallen for Carson's 'adorable,charming,handsome.(etc,etc)' look.I am just his nerd best friend.Yeah,love you too,Mom.

I tried zoning out a bit when Mom just didn't go away,like she still had to supervise us teens just in case,and slept.At one point,I opened my eyes,and one.Huh,whaddya know?Fake sleeping and drifting off does pass and help time move along.

I looked at the clock.Great gazelles,I'm going to be late!For the first day of senior year!Just my dang luck.Argh.

I threw on some plain clothes(I really don't care that much,sorry),and rushed to the bathroom.I didn't even have time to eat brekkie,it was that late.I sloppily put some basic foundation on,and a bit of lip gloss.Cause God knows how awful it would be if I had any more thick eyelashes.Other stupid girls would be jealous of the 'long,lusciously dark lashes',except they don't know the constant hate it builds up.They fall in my eyes,and blind me at the stupidest,most humiliating moments.

I crossly stared at the girl in the mirror.All I saw:frumpy expression on face,ever-the-same light wavy brown hair unkempt as always(I had given up on it years ago),and watery hazel-blue eyes.Big deal.I still looked the same,and noticed no sudden burst of overnight beauty,so I disappointedly rushed out.

"Kelly,you are going to be late for school!Do you want me to drive you to school?"my dad hollered.I shuddered at that embarrassing thought.

"Nope,Dad,I'm good.Thanks for the offer!"and dashed out.I only lived so far from the high school,so it's not like I'll die of exhaustion or something.Might as well give me a workout.


Change of mind.This was as strength-sapping as...I dunno,fighting with a bull??Point is,I was burned out,and school hadn't even fully started.Great.And add on the sweat,with the disgusting odor hanging near,was not pleasant.No sir-ee

"Eeep!Who just brought in zees...ugly duckling?And she smells like 'orrible poop!"A very high-pitched,whiny female voice shrieked.Duh,at me.And what level of immaturity was she going?Poop-really!?

I turned see Briella DeLachors,a French prissy I-get-whatever-I-want girl.She came here 2 years ago,all nice and huge-eyed like she had zero clue as to how American traditions of a high school worked.Of course,all too many guys were eager to help out,but she refused.

Then,like some sort of drama show,she chose me.Yes,Briella snobby-rich-girl chose me.I thought this was all some sort of prank or something,to break my status even lower at school than it already was.Carson really couldn't help me,because I went through a stupid phase in the midst of my period,convinced that Carson and I just won't work out.I was so depressed,and we just...fell apart for a while.So I needed another shoulder to lean on while nursing that wound I created myself.I know,stupid me,now that I reflect back on it.

Meanwhile,this Briella girl was reaching rocket popularity,with me snatched along.For the first time,I got a quick dip of just how cool it felt to be in this thrilling addition.But of course,things only got worse.

A quick and simple warning before I start ranting on about the idiocy of Briella:I am no lesbian,got it?You might start judging me about how de-vah-stated I sound,like a queen of drama.Well,just how would you like it when you happen to pick up a gorgeous friend in the middle of a muddle(heh heh,that's a mini alliteration),and discover quite publicly that it was all a cruel set up?

That is exactly what happened.Briella started turning nasty,into the real evil cold-hearted bitch she really was,and finally,she broke me.She practically just...bitched out on me,you can say.

So you can see just how thrilled I am to be in the presence of Your Highness Bitch.

"Oh my,oohpsies!It's you,sister Raquelle dear!My,my-I didn't see you under zat...hideous disguise."Briella faked a totally unconvincing apology to me,with her sidekicks sniggering like they had a nose issue.Seriously,go to a hospital.

"Oh my,it's you...huh Briella?Yeah,nice meeting you...and get the ruddy hell out of my way,byotch."I calmly stated in a low voice.Briella's gorgeous little foxy face just about fell in surprised,as I pushed past her to get to the bathroom.Then her eyes narrowed.

I knew what was coming.

The side of her pampered French daddy's girl.Also known as Code-red tantrum.Her normally beautiful dove blue eyes narrowed and slitted in barely concealed rage,her nostrils flaring madly.She started quivering,and she cursed rapidly in very,very fluent French.Ooh,and very colorful words used(I took French).

"You little ingrate!You wait until Father comes to sue you,and beat the bloody shit out of you!You got that,you cunt,bitch,slob,nerd,ugly!Auggh!"that last part was due to an attempt to...abuse me,as she later fessed up.But personally,I think she genuinely wanted to murder mer,with those cold-Voldemort eyes.Seriously,do you believe me,or that emotionally-unstable girl?Yeah,I thought so.

Now,we were both in the office with an unhappy principal,and Briella staring daggers at me as if it were my fault.I just vehemently glared back,fingers still rubbing the red mark where Briella smacked me,and stinky as ever.Oho,I hate that girl like no other.

Just then,a very timid and familiar voice rang through the room."Kelly?"


Yes,sorry,end of chapter!Yeah,focused in a little much about Kelly's past,and that Briella Bitch(I hate her too).And who's that last person....?To be honest,I haven't brainstormed that part yet,so even I don't know.But,I guess we'll see where my mind takes us.And no,most def not Carson.He was never the quiet timid person^_^Just a little thought to leave you thinking.

Also,I have no personal grudge against French people,or anything remotely scathing.I actually think they're cool cool peeps.So,sorry if it rubbed in the wrong way!:)


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2013 ⏰

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