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All was well at the Potter House before he came. Elizabeth was giggling at her Mother who was tickling her while her father entertained her twin brother. None of them really knew what would happen that night. 

Sirius Black, the twins godfather, was considering visiting that night. He had something big to show James and he was quite excited about it. Remus hadn't approved much of Sirius' surprise. 

Back at the Potter House, the muggle children in the village were starting to dress up since it was Halloween. A strage man in black robes wasn't given many glances at all. It was most likely his costume aftet all.

All it took for the man to get in and kill James Potter was a simple killing curse. Then he turned to Lily Potter, requesting her to step aside. She refused and protected her children, causing Voldemort to kill her. He then turned to the twins. 

"Avada Kadavra!" He expected it to work. He really did. This time though....a white light flashed, leaving two children with scars on their foreheads and orphaned.

Mischief Managed: The Next Gen MaruadersWhere stories live. Discover now