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Narcissa walked over to her father who she could tell, despite him trying to hide it, was nervous.

"How's the Turner boy?" he asked

"Doing well, it's nice to see him again. He wants to break the curse on the Dutchman."

"Ah so he inherited the Turner unfounded optimism," replied her father dryly.

"It seems so. I've missed my nephew. Its like a part of me is completed now that he's back in my life" She paused. "Is this how you felt when you had to leave Mama and I?"

"Aye that about describes it." He then shot her a questioning look.

"What I'm curious about is why ye would give that medallion te the boy."

"Well, its not like it will curse him," said Narcissa dodging the question.

"Ye know that isn't what I mean. That medallion is yer piece of eight the symbol of your position as a pirate lord."

"Well, it seems fitting considering the medallion is what got me involved in piracy in the first place. Not to mention reuniting me with you. But as far as why I gave it to Henry, I'll answer that when you tell me your secret." Her father quickly averted his gaze.

"What are ye on about?" Narcissa sighed.

"Oh, come on Father! You know I'm talking about Carina. Am I really going to have to drag it out of you? I thought we promised no secrets between us."

"That doesn't me I need te tell ye things that don't concern ye." snapped her father.

"Drag it out it is," Narcissa muttered before addressing her father.

"It very much DOES concern me if what I almost know for certain is true. Carina's your daughter isn't she?"

"What makes ye say that?" said her father still not looking at her.

"I saw the way you reacted when she said her name was Smyth with a Y, I know the handwriting in her book where she's called treasure, a nickname you reserve for your daughter is yours, and most telling of all, I recognize the look on your face when you stare at her. Its the same look you had on this very spot two decades ago when you saw me for the first time in thirteen years." She took his arm and pulled him to face her. In his blue eyes she saw sadness as well as pride.

"Yer too smart fer yer own good," he grumbled. Narcissa raised an eyebrow and smirked.

"Whose fault is that?" her father chuckled.

"Ye make a fair point," then he sighed heavily. "Yes, Carina is yer half sister."

"I knew it!" grinned Narcissa the revelation was actually quite a pleasant one given how much she liked Carina, then she paused. "Why haven't you told her? The entire reason Carina's even involved with this venture was because she was searching for you. Surely its a good thing you found each other."

"For one thing she wouldn't believe me. She thinks her father is some brilliant respectable man not an old pirate like me."

"So her perception's a bit off," shrugged Narcissa. "There's no shame in having a pirate for a father. You're the cleverest man I know and usually one of the bravest. I'd say that counts for something."

"She didn't grow up like ye did Narcissa. Your view on pirates was always more favorable because of how Lyddie raised ye. Carina's been raised in a society that hates pirates."

"Well, its not like society's been treating Carina all that well. She already was nearly executed for witchcraft according to Henry." Narcissa saw concern flash across her father's face before he shook his head.

Narcissa Barbossa: Dead Men Tell No TalesWhere stories live. Discover now