-8/21/22- 「Chapter 1: "Tumbler"?」

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It was just a normal day in ACME Labs. The Brain was trying to think of a way to take over the world, Pinky was doing whatever insane thing he does. Normal stuff.

"BRAINN!!" Was what brought Brain out of his focuss on his plan to conque man-kind.

"Not now Pinky, I am thinking." He shooed away his associate. "But Brainnnnn. This is important! POIT!" Pinky insisted.

"Whatever inane dribble you have to share can't be as important as taking over the world." The Brain said, annoyed.

"Oh, no, Brain! This isn't about basketball or dribbling anything!" Pinky corrected his partner as he walked over to see what the shorter of the two was doing.

The Brain sighed. "Ok, what would you like to share with me, Pinky?"

"Well, I found this new app called Tumblr! NARF!" Pinky started. "Pinky, what is this, "tumbler" app used for?" Brain asked as his partner went over to the computer and searched for Tumblr in the browser.

"Why, it's for stuff called fanart! Poit!" Pinky said as the page loaded. "Fanart, you say?" Brain questioned.

"I know! Let's search up our names!" Pinky said before Brain could even respond.

The computer keys clicked as Pinky typed on them. As he hit enter, a certain emo purple and black mouse showed up.

"Pinky, why does that one look like you?" Brain asked, confused. "I don't know, but he sure looks like he shops at Hot Topic! NARF!"

"Well, scroll down." The small mouse stated. Pinky nodded and scrolled down on the computer mouse.

"Wait, that one looks like me, Pinky" Brain stated as there was some fanart of him. "Hey, it does! Look- there's some fanart of us!" Pinky said, scrolling down to some art of them.

"Looks normal so far, Pinky, continue scrolling." Pinky nodded, doing as Brain asked. "There's one of Snowball. Keeps scrolling down, Pinky."

"Look, there's some of the Warners! POIT!"

"Mhm, continue." Brain said, wanting to see what these humans drew on here. Suddenly, they came across some ship art. Crazy, right? Brain felt his face warm up. "What is that, Pinky?"

"I dunno, but the style is cute!" Pinky said, ignoring the fact that it's ship art. "It looks like we're about to kiss in that one.." Brian stated, confused. "Look, there's more! TROZ!"

"Interesting, there seems to be an abundant amount of art relating to our romantic lives." Brain said, starting to ponder to himself. Maybe he could take this.. art work.. to an advantage.

"Yeah! Should I scroll down, Brain? I think there's more art!" Pinky asked, in awe of the pretty drawings of him and Brain. They were so wonderful! Who new he and Brain would make such a cute couple?

"Go ahead, Pinky, but I have an idea on how to reach our influence across the world!" Brain announced. "Really, Brain? What is it? TROZ!"

"Pinky, are you pondering what I'm pondering?"

"I think so, Brain, but if we get married would we have to change my last name to Brain or your last name to Pinky?"

"Pinky, n- actually, Pinky, that's actually close to what our plan is for tonight, surprisingly enough." Brain responded.

"Oo, it is? Well what is the plan? POIT!" Pinky asked, joyed that he and Brain were almost pondering the same thing!

"Well, Pinky, tonight we are going to hijack the main TV station in order to broadcast something that'll get us more fan-art, thus spreading our influence across the world!"

"Oo, brilliant, Brain! Wait, no, what if parents who watched our show in the 90s see it and then their childhoods are ruined?" Pinky interjected, concerned for some of the 90s kids. Their poor childhoods.

"That's not the target demographic, Pinky, we won't have to worry about them." Brain started. "We just need to plan a wedding, hijack a TV station and then this "tumbler" website will do the rest!"

"Bravo, Brain! Wait, I have to go wedding outfit shoping! NARF!" Pinky realized. "And we have to plan the wedding, Pinky. We need to invite people and get decorations, while hijacking a TV station." Brain stated, pondering on how to controll the TV.

"Let's invite the Warner Siblings! TROZ!" Pinky exclaimed. "Yes, yes, sounds good. Yakko, Wakko, and the one that doesn't rhyme, correct?" The megalomaniac asked. "Yep!" Pinky responded.

"Excellent. Pinky, you're in charge of wedding invitations. Remember to invite Romy." Brain instructed.

"Kay! POIT!" Pinky said, running off to get some craft supplies the make the invitations.

"Now, to hijack the TV station.."

Pinky and Brain discover Tumblr and have a wedding to take over the world Where stories live. Discover now