ONE 18

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"Well... after this season ends.. everyone will be sent back." Airy smiled. "You guys were really good contestants so, I thought picking people who knew you guys would be good too..!" Liam stared at Airy with disbelief, and then he glanced at the axe. Should he...? No. As mad as he was he's not stupid. If he killed Airy he might never get everyone back. Let alone get himself back. Get himself back.. that's it! What if he were to take Airy back with him? Did Liam really like this idea? No, not at all. But, if Liam could convince Airy to come back with him, no one will ever have to be forced into these cruel competitions ever again, he couldn't do anything to anyone! And he especially couldn't do anything to Owen. Besides, if he doesn't get back soon and charge Texty, he's a goner. Liam sighed. It's his best bet right now, and probably the only plan that'd work. Despite this, Liam was still going to hate himself for this. "No. No more competitions. I'd like you to come back to earth with me." "...what?" "You've clearly been here alone for too long. It's driving you insane. You need to take everyone back and stop the competitions completely." Airy looked shocked.

"...back? I.. no.. I cant. I've worked so hard... I can't just.. leave.." Liam sighed 'just try to understand where he's coming from' that's what Liam told himself, he didn't want to. But he had to convince Airy somehow. "I understand that. But uhm.. if we get you back to earth maybe you can host a real show..! Without kidnapping a bunch of people and taking them from their lives..." Airys eyes lit up slightly "Your right..! I could even have better challenges...! With... cool materials..!" "Uh.. yeah! But only if you come with me! BUT, YOU CAN ONLY COME WITH ME IF YOU SEND EVERYONE HOME." "I was... going to send them back.. either way...?" "You.. know what I mean." Airy made a soft hum noise. "But.. how would we get there....?" "We'll figure that out." "Are you... sure..?" Liam glanced at the ground. "Yeah. You finish... chopping that tree. I'll be in the cave. When your done you go there, okay?" "Okay.." "And you better go straight there!" Liam glared at Airy before turning around and heading back. Once he got Airy to earth he wasn't actually sure what he was going to do with him. Especially since the only place he could really stay right now was Bryce's, and Liam already knew Bryce would either be just as upset with that idea, or angrier.

Liam sighed. How would he get back? Well if Airy can use that computer to bring people on the plane.. maybe they could bring Stone back! Then stone can tell them the channel code thing for Bryce's area!! But... how would they be able to view the note things.. (assuming Stone decided to help) Liam had finally arrived at the cave. Liam wondered how his life would be now if none of this had happened, maybe he would have finally gotten a promotion, or maybe a better job! If this were under better circumstances Liam might have smiled then. He walked inside the cave and sat on the floor. He couldn't risk touching anything, if he were to accidentally break something it'd be all over. Not long after, Airy showed up. Liam thought for a minute more. He had an idea, the only issue is if the idea fails it could end badly. What if he had stone give Bryce the notes? Then use the kill command.. wait Airy doesn't have a kill command.. but he could probably make himself one. "Airy," Well Liam had no choice but to just tell him the plan. "I need you to send everyone back..:" Airy moved towards the computer. "BUT I want you to temporaryily leave Bryce so I can talk to him."

"Okay..." Liam watched as Airy sat in the computer chair, though Liam couldn't really tell what he was doing, he tried to watch anyways. " can use the microphone that's here to talk to him..." Liam stood up, walked next Airy, and looked him in the eyes. "I want you to wait outside well I talk to him." Airys glanced to the side, before standing up."...Okay." Liam sighed, a little bit out of relief this time, things were finally starting to go the way he needed them too. He looked down at the plane, suddenly he realized how freaked out Bryce was. He was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't bother to consider how Bryce might feel after everyone except him was sent home. Liam quickly sat down and leaned towards the microphone. "Bryce?" It took Bryce a moment to realize who was talking, at first he thought he was hearing things, but then Liam repeated himself. "...Liam!?" "Yeah. So uh I have a plan.. but your not gonna like it.." Bryce took a deep breath, it was relieving for him to know that the reason everyone disappeared was probably because Liam sent them home. "A plan for what...? You already sent  everyone all but me back..?" "Well you see.. I'm sorta stuck where Airy is..." "What!?" "The sticky notes got ruined.. and Textys almost out of battery" "Ruined!? How did the get ruined!?"

Liam sighed "Look I'll tell you later right now I need to explain my plan to you." "No no, tell me what happened!" "Long story short I just fell into a lake, okay?" "Okay. Now tell me about your plan. "Alright I'm just gonna tell you what happened so you have a bit of an idea on why I'd even consider this." "Okay?" "So I found Airy, I had convinced him to send everyone back.. but! He decided he was going to make a season three. So uh, I told him he needs to stop with the show things all together, and may have convinced him that he should come back with us-" "You what!?" "If we do this no one else will have to go through what we did!" "I don't know if I want there to be a "we" anymore." Liam took a deep breath. "Bryce please. We don't have much of a choice." "Are you sure theres no other option!?" "I'm sure, but also we'd need to do this fast. Textys about to die and I currently have no way to charge him." "Fine. But I'm only letting him stay at my apartment for like a month. Then he's out of there. Got it?" "Got it." "But how exactly are you going to get back without the notes?" "I was actually going to ask Airy to bring stone back, he might write us a new sticky note! "And if he doesn't?" "I haven't thought that far. But let's just hope there's no need to even think that far." "Liam this is really risky I don't think we should do this, especially if it means I'm going to end up with that psychopath in my apartment for a month!"

"Look I don't want him there either, but I also don't want anyone else to suffer! So Bryce would you just please do this?" "Fine." Liam let out a sigh of relief, he wasn't completely sure Bryce would do it. "Thank you. Now heres what we're going to do...." Airy sat outside the cave. He was trying his best not to listen to anything they were talking about. He had no reason to intrude, and he assumed anything Liam needed his help with would be told to him later. Airy could still hear muffled voices though. Despite not listening to the words itself, he listened to the sound. The noise of talking, even if he couldn't fully understand it, was comforting somehow. It felt... safe, familiar to him. He was content with having to sit outside, he wasn't sure if he'd feel the same without the noise. But well he did have the noise, he was going to listen to it. Even if it's not fully. Liam stepped outside of the cave.

Hiii so uh... this alternate ending has not been finished yet. Part 2 coming soon.... release date will be uploaded soon!

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2023 ⏰

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