Bio on Grayson

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First name: Grayson

Last name: Maza

Age: 29 (same as Eliza)

Height: 5' 11"

Appearance: brown skin, light blue eyes, dark blue hairs scar above his nose almost meeting his left eye (he uses his hair to cover most of it)

Appearance: brown skin, light blue eyes, dark blue hairs scar above his nose almost meeting his left eye (he uses his hair to cover most of it)

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Personality: understanding, patient, loves to learn, calm, mischievous, kind, not easy to anger, attracts danger.

Likes: helping people, his family, the gargoyals, food, quiet places, reading, curing the sick.

Dislikes: loud noises, guns, Zanatos, Demona, his scar, Eliza unhappy.

Random facts about Grayson:

* Eliza taught him how to fight.

* Grayson is Pansexual.

* Grayson has insomnia.

* He loves listening to Hudson's stories about his past.

* Graysons apartment is below Elizas.

* Grayson is terrified of knives.

* Grayson has sensitive hearing, he has headphones on him at all times to help with it though

* He is quick to help never really asking questions. (Which can cause problems more than not)

* He is observant, can read body language from anyone.

* Very protective of Eliza, not as bad as Goliath but pretty protective.

* Grayson is a great actor when he wants to be.

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