"Klaus was going to use Tyler and Caroline. But Damon rescued them." Stefan informed.

"Get a bow and arrow, dip it with vervain and wolvesbane. Shove it through his throat." Jensen continued to try and think of ways to kill Klaus, going to run to the car.

Elijah grabbed him.

"Then we need to go. Now. Before Jenna's been sacrificed. I can kill Klaus myself." Bonnie says, rushed.

"Bonnie...If you use that much power, you'll be dead. We've already been through this. It's not an option."

"Neither is letting Jenna die."

"Well, Stefan would agree with you," Elijah says. Which makes Bonnie and Jensen look up at him confused.

"We're going to offer another vampire. One that he'll want more. Me." Stefan says.

"What? No! That's insane! Just go turn someone!" Jensen yelled.

"I'm not killing a innocent person, Jensen." Stefan told him, standing in front of the other.

"Then get someone who's not innocent! Go break someone out of a prison cell and turn them." Jensen quickly spoke, panicked about Jenna dying, but, that didn't mean that he would risk Stefan dying. Stefan was also innocent.
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"I'll drown him in wolves-bane and vervain," Jensen threatened.

Alaric held him back. John walked down the steps, Alaric made a gesture for John to take a hold of Jensen. "I'm not gonna run!" Jensen snapped. "There's a witch and a vampire here, I can't outrun."

Alaric walked up stairs.

"I brought the Gilbert journals. I think I know the spell you're talking about." John announced

"Where's Damon?" Bonnie asked.

"Upstairs. Alaric wanted to talk to him."
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Jensen reads quickly through the books, quicker than the others, who watch him out of the corner of their eyes.
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"We found something in the Gilbert journals," Bonnie announced.

"Johnathan journaled the story of a mother who called on Emily's services. The woman's baby was sick; dying. Emily cast a spell that would bind the woman's life force with her child," John says.

"Skip to the save Elena part." Damon demanded.

"Well, the child died, but the mother's life force flowed through her, restoring her to life."

"We already know Elena's going to come back to life. But she'll be a vampire." Jeremy told John.

"Not if her soul remains intact."

"Her soul, really?" Damon asked, skeptically. "You're going to put your faith in some act of god mumbo jumbo?"

John walks forward, closing the gap between Damon and himself. "I refuse to let Elena become the thing I've spent my life protecting her against. And you can call that God or mystical energy, whatever you want, but yes...I'm putting my faith in it."

Hey brother,hey sister ᴇᴍΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα