"i think we'd better lay off the drink a bit, Pans."

"you're right. i'm already a bit lightheaded."

"do you know if Tom's taking anyone to the ball?"

"maybe Snape," Pansy snorted.

i had to set the curling iron down and sit down on the floor until my laugher ceased.

"no, i think he's going with Daphne Greengrass." Pansy checked her hair out in the mirror. "you've done a brilliant job of this, Lola."

"it's my turn now," i ushered her out of the seat and sat down. "work your magic."

"i love having my hair played with." i watched Pansy wrap strands of my hair around the hot curler.

"i'll pass the message on to Draco." she grinned.

"what kind of gifts does he like?" i remembered the promise to get him an amazing christmas present.

Pansy thought for a while. "i usually get him aftershave or cufflinks or something like that, but i'm sure he'd appreciate anything you got him."

"that really helps," i said sarcastically.

"the world is your oyster,"

"you sound so very wise."

"i am wise," she pulled a face. "wiser than Dumbledore."

"hmm you definitely are," i nodded.

"honestly though, try to think about what he wears and likes... things he's given to you can be a reflection of them."

"now you really do sound wise,"

she wrapped the final few strands of hair around the curler. "just trying to help my friend." she smiled.

"thank you, Pansy." i met her eye in the mirror. "i appreciate it."

"don't worry about it." she wrapped her arms around my neck and hugged me.

i couldn't deny the fact her action shocked me a little, but it felt... nice.

Pansy pulled away with a devious look on her face.

"what?" i frowned.

"i may have bought us some things while we were away."


she skipped over to her wardrobe and flung the doors open, reaching in and pulling out two white bags.

"it doesn't matter when, what matters is do you like them?"

i took one of the bags from her and opened it, pulling out a package wrapped in green tissue paper.

i unwrapped it to find lingerie the same shade as my dress nestled in the folds of paper.

"oh wow," i touched the lacy fabric.

"do you like them?" Pansy asked eagerly. 

"i love them,"

she squealed and clapped her hands and i laughed again. "go," she ushered me into my room. "get changed."

i took my time changing out of my school shirt and skirt and into the beautiful gown.

i spent a long time admiring myself in the mirror, touching the cool silk and swishing the material around my legs.

a knock sounded and i opened the door.

Tom stood outside, dressed in a fine suit.

"hello," i was surprised to see him.

"can i come in?" he held a little black box.

i nodded and held the door open as he entered.


"i know i've done a lot of bad things to you." he cut me off. "and no amount of apologising will ever make up for it."

i didn't say anything, letting him speak.

"did you know there are trunks of mother's things in the attic?" he held the box tightly.

i shook my head.

"well, there are, and Father doesn't know i know." he took a deep breath. "i found these." he held the box out. "i thought you might like to wear them."

i took the box and opened it.

inside rested an emerald necklace with a matching bracelet and a pair of earrings.

"oh," i breathed.

"you don't have to wear it," Tom said quickly.

"no, i want to." i picked up the sparkling necklace. "will you put it on for me?"

my brother nodded and i gathered my hair up, holding it away from my neck as Tom fastened the jewellery.

i admired the emeralds in the mirror, putting on the bracelet and earrings.

"they suit you," Tom commented.

i smiled, running my fingers through my hair and smoothing down my dress.

"listen, Lo." Tom's voice dropped an octave and i turned to face him. "enjoy tonight."

i waited for him to say something else, but he didn't.

"i will," i nodded.

Tom moved forward and awkwardly folded his arms around me.

it was nothing like hugging Matteo, it felt odd and unnatural, but i wrapped my arms around him and rested my head on his shoulder.

"have fun," he gave me a little squeeze.

"you too." i straightened his bow-tie. "i'll see you later."

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